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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. No shame in that pineapple - I'm a better man than most. Just imagine if I started one of those tweetering accounts!! Lord only knows how many followers I'd attract!!
  2. Well.... there is one thing OD and repairing the coffee machine has vastly improved the likelihood of that occurring!!! (there are however, no certainties)
  3. Have you lost your marbles Red!! A fellow could get a jolly good flogging for getting out of step as it were. In any event, my stocks are very high atm!! Good old bitters the handyman managed to repair the squeeze's precious coffee machine!
  4. If Crowley is currently best 22 for us then we are still [censored]!!
  5. It is very difficult for a big guy to add bulk while maintaining running ability. Hogan at 100kg would be scary. Makes me think of Lockett. Defenders used to [censored] themselves (rightly so) at the sound of his footsteps. I think Hogan has enough mongrel in to become this sort of figure.
  6. I've been off the vino for a couple of weeks - one of my irregular health breaks. If it wasn't for that I'd reckon I was hallucinating! Curry and Stu and Wise all agreeing and OD and Dr Hopping Dick adding likes!!! Back to the grog for me. EDIT. Stu's above post returned a semblance of reality.
  7. Yes ..well thank you Red. However, at the moment I realize that it is my credit card I need to keep a better grip on. The squeeze just announced she has booked a weekend in Cantberra for us. Apparently there is a display of pictures by some fellow Robert or Roberts who draws sheep and shearing sheds!! FMD. I hope it's not Special Robert!!
  8. I don't get it from a football perspective. The guy is in his 30's and hasn't played much footy over the last couple of years. You'd reckon Essendrug would try and get something out of this [censored] up and set out to find some blokes who might have a future
  9. I reckon he's digging another hole for himself.
  10. Hope you kept in ..eerrr step during the Anniversary Waltz the other night Red.
  11. Still trying to get a report on Spencer. Did you see much of him CC?
  12. Thank you Earl Hood, it is only right that we of the well bred class support each other. I understand though that your buccaneering adventures in the Caribbean and subsequent dabbling in banana futures has left you in a state of penury. Under those circumstances I fear your "competitive" rates maybe beyond me. Moonie, I suggest you stick to your usual haunts for your voyeuristic habits and concomitant snowdropping ie your neighbours. Correct.
  13. Surely my old mate would be more of the Creationist or Bible Basher variety dc.
  14. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz! ZZZZzzzzzzz! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz!
  15. You present a very delicate problem Dr. at a time when my self confidence as a counsellor is under threat. I mean, it is quite humiliating to be labelled a “dirt pervert” while merely attempting to carry out one’s professional duties. (It seems I am dogged by misunderstandings) Firstly though, I must admonish you Dr, in that you appear to have brought the problem upon your own head by ignoring the golden rule of never trusting anyone with your ute, your dog or your wife. That said, I do sympathise with you Dr and will do my bit. However, I prefer not to fumble in the dark and require a closer feeling for the issue. Therefore, with this in mind, it would be best if you sent your missus down to Romsey Manor for some direct one on one attention from Counsellor Bitters. Rest assured, I will be vigorous in my efforts to get to the root of the matter.
  16. Glad I watched the cricket with the lads.
  17. "Unhinged" is not really an issue on Demonland Jesus H. It's a bit like marrying your sister if you live in certain parts of Tasmania or obscure backwood towns like Hopping Dicks Creek - compulsory.
  18. Only the wine dc ... only the wine. Anyway it was largely an unfortunate misunderstanding.Blown out of all proportion really.
  19. You are far too modest in detailing your excesses achievements Dr. Perhaps some of your err.. shall we say libertine accomplishments could be expounded upon. I believe you were a pioneer of the practice of being, how shall I put it delicately, "generous" with your spouse? Which I suppose explains why you do not have the time to burn effigies etc on New Years Eve. As to my visit - obviously much will depend upon your explanation re the above. Also, I note your generosity but I prefer to bring my own apparatus when visiting.
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