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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I'm sure you and your brazillian are always at optimum DC
  2. Observation:No OD or Daisycutter visible tonight. Explanation 1: OD has finally topped himself. He had started to feel a tiny touch of optimimism and hope but had it cruelly snatched away by today's result. He was also out of single malt - no Sherlock needed. Explanation 2: DC not caring about footy at all and simply shagging blue rinsers.
  3. Don't give me that Fl og - it's easy to be wise after the event.
  4. All fixed.I didn't need you buffoons at all. It was a browser issue - obviously!
  5. At least I can still access the educational sites that Biffen recommends to me.
  6. Bah!!! Despite all the smartarse comments above - I still have the problem.
  7. Just tried it as we speak OD. All I get is the "reply to this topic" box sans quote. Gnasher is always reading my posts perhaps he can offer an explanation.
  8. Yes, I'm sure you are Red but answer my bloody question!
  9. My computer has been discharged from hospital with a warning about taking more care with the company it keeps. Now maybe it's me but I've tried to use the quote button this arvo and it's not working. Anyone else noticed?
  10. None of "the lads" In that photo. They'd be getting a last shag in before the firestorm hit.
  11. Thanks Dc . You borewood types must have time on your hands. You' re either shagging the blue rinsers, manicuring brazillians or trolling the net.
  12. Not bad OD, thanks. Watching the cricket. My computer has had a couple of antibiotic shots but must go to hospital tomorrow. Full of Malware and other shite.
  13. I realize people will call me a pretentious snot or pedant (truish) R&B, but that is a metaphor.
  14. Ha Ha. That brings back memories Whispering. I worked with a bloke for 5 years, then he told me he was really a woman. His missus let him dress up in her clothes provided he didn't do it in front of the kids!
  15. Here's one to ponder OD. The saints look ordinary. Now imagine your player X lining up in round 1. He happens to be in the right place at the time at the feet of Hogan and/or Dawes and snags 3 or 4. He'll be in for the next 6 weeks!
  16. Silly post. You wouldn't understand this Poon but I'm popular, in demand and new ladies have to be ushered away. Ahhh the price of fame!!!
  17. Don't see Romsey on the above map - therefore useless. BTW any of you techno effers know about malware? Apparently it's why my computer is currently stuffed. Tech told me I been visiting some nasty internet sites. I thought that was offensive to Demonland. The only other sites I've visited recently were recommended by Biffen - so I imagine they'd be OK. BTW - I'll be in and out for the next few days.
  18. Well I'm glad that's been cleared up!
  19. I am I missing something here Ben? What made you resurrect this post from 2010? ( that is apart from the obvious contradiction that I've " been a Melbourne supporter for my whole life apart from a brief 6 season stint from 1992 - 1997" ? There are mysteries here,I'll have to get onto these forums more often.
  20. Would love to have caught up with you OD. Actually had a disappointing day in that regard. Biffen was going to come but had to have his stomach pumped due to an "OD". I thought Moon might be there but he couldn't spell Gosch's so was unable to find the place. I was also looking for a bloke standing on his own and being avoided by others but couldn't see one - Stuie apparently was absent also.
  21. Did you pay a quick visit to Lourdes OD. I didn't see an old bastard on a walking frame at the intra club today.
  22. Correct. I just figured you needed a boost OD. Just the sort of bloke I am.
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