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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. And people ( including mods) think I write [censored]!!!!!
  2. My maids refuse to dress up as altar boys.
  3. If we need Roos to stay, then he hasn't done his job!
  4. Sorry to disappoint you do but all the banana trees I saw are only growing plastic bags Just head to Borewood pineapple and ingratiate yourself into a morning tea or euchre party. Dc has the bluerinsers primed and ready ( BTW bluerinsers just autocorrected to blue inserts. Freudians feel free to comment) My sauces claimed that you were so unhinged by the upcoming sale of the GAT that you were seeking honest employment Biff! Fellacious of course. Perhaps I could be your muse for future writings Ernest? I see bdsm themed erotic fiction marketed under your name as a potential money maker Earl Hood just a reminder I'm still awaiting information on whether or not you were successful in abusing the 357 visa system to obtain new servants? My maids are refusing to wear the uniforms I supply and was I hoping to find some errr shall we say more compliant employees. Ethan are these "blueys" something in the the line of erotic apparel? Would dc's bluerinsers wear them? BTW all, your Uncle Bitter is back in town.
  5. You been spying on me again fl oger?
  6. Grape has no appreciation for fine literature picket
  7. Sleeping in the back of the Merc Earl. The squeeze is unhappy though- claims my flatulance is playing up again. I'm blaming the cane toads.
  8. What a sad and cynical fellow you are Moonie!!
  9. Your ever intrepid Uncle Bitter is currently in FNQ and thus too [censored] to post much however, I shall return soon and hand out some well deserved thrashings. just about to give the squeeze one.
  10. What's all the love about? [censored] if I'll miss him!
  11. Food for thought .......... as always ENYAW!
  12. Well past it dc. The maids are quivering in their little skirts and their fishnets are highlighted against their cute little white aprons and ....................... oh .........excuse me .....must go...............
  13. A weak moment Earl Hood!
  14. I reckon it's time to put this one to rest od. He's doing his time and he's now a Melbourne player. Let's wish him every success.
  15. Noticed on the latest "Boystown" raffle, one of the possible prizes is a house in Borewood. FMD!!! But ... you know, if I won it, I'd lower my social status and move in for a while just to pizz dc off.
  16. No advice from Biffen Beardo - he has disappeared, apparently from the face of the Earth.
  17. They'll swim, SWYL. for one of the very reasons you hate them - the AFL will simply continue to pour money into them.
  18. This thread makes me feel like that poor [censored] that had the large bird wrapped around his neck. I feel myself that I want to soar with eagles (and prostitutes from the Gat) but I am constantly dragged down to the level of perverts like Redleg who is emeshed in porn and dc and that whispering fellow who is apparently a crooked lawyer. FMD - the Lads warned me about this.
  19. Theology Degree!!! You are [censored] me surely Moon!!
  20. Forget the rest of the world and focus on what you can influence Chris. Encourage your daughter to be a free thinker and one who can stand up to and, when necessary, ignore or rail against the peer group. There ends Uncle Bitter's free sermon.
  21. I will now spend hours trying to get that image out of my mind.
  22. In a way, I think the answer to that question could even surprise me!
  23. Leave it to the mods Chris, or you will start to appear as sanctimonious as Stuie.
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