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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Well I'm finally back at the Manor after an arduous few days in Cantberra. I noticed our resident Dr Hopping Dicks alluded to a locale named Fyshwick which I presumed was where one found the seafood market. Being partial to the occasional clam, I headed out that way. Well what a surprise! It was where one would likely find Cantberra's version of the Gat. Which brings me to the point of my ramble. In a particularly scrofulous location I noticed a faded sign. " For love potions, poultices and cures for the pox contact your ever reliable Dr John D...". The rest was obscured by various stains and fluids. Scant evidence I agree but nonetheless, the question must be asked . Does our Good Doctor have a sordid history buried in our national capital and is his retreat to a hillbilly hideaway a means to escape a criminal past?
  2. This current incident also made me think back to Merrett's thuggery . Could the MRP or some rules dimwit or even Gil, please play the footage of these two incidents side by side and explain why one incurs a penalty and one does not? I admit to being thoroughly confused by the rules associated with tackles and bumps.
  3. But if you do hit him high then it appears as if your intent was to whack rather than get the ball.
  4. Pizzed last and unable to post . My impressions. Jack Watts- Wow! Jeff Garlett - Just love it when he has the ball and burns off opposition players. Just about my Favourite player Bernie Vince- Does great work in defense with a cool head and good disposal Wagner - Yes a bit to learn but can play. Our tackling was the best I've seen for years Hogan - that set set shot routine - FMD!!!!! BOG - Our recruiters
  5. Agreed. He clearly took his eye off the ball and this could cost him
  6. Yes and with each pair of "Calvin Kleens" you get a free can of guava paste
  7. Just getting boozed up in my hotel's bar prior to decamping to the penthouse for the game. I want to see Hogan get on the scoreboard and jack Watts back up last week's effort. Jones and Vince should be better for the run. I'm also looking for another solid performance from Pedomyths and , after seeing him at Crazyburn, I'm looking forward to some more muscle from Oliver
  8. Your ever intrepid Uncle Bitter has awoken to a fine morning in Cantberra. Went to Special Robert's exihibition yesterDay. Bit disappointing to be honest. One of the highlights apparently ,was a picture of these blokes shearing bloody sheep- alapacas would have improved it no end. No footy pictures either but at least a few blokes had Max Gawn beards. I must have been well [censored] last night , or my knowledge of geography is awry as I was boozing on the "foreshore"! One of the bottles consumed was called "The blood of hipsters" - it was, as you would expect, insipid [censored]! A decent Shiraz grape ruined by the insertion that girly Tempranillo stuff . FMD Brekkers time !
  9. What is going on? After attending the footy on Sunday your good old Uncle Bitter had to attend to some responsibilities in rural Victoria (sans computer) and I return to a deserted thread!! Unless I am convinced that the world has not ended, I shall offer some post prandial speculations. ( Moonie and Biffen will not know what that means)
  10. Uncle Bitter has to report a varied day. Two obvious negatives - (1) I had to listen to Moonie all day. (2) Only two booze tents. POsitives. The Merc didn't get stolen. We beat a good side. Jack Viney demonstrated how he can impact on a game with his strength in close. He went up a gear when required. Max Gawn also lifted in the last quarter and gave us first use. Jack Watts was laconic around the ball at times but provided a target, took a strong mark and one of his 3 goals was a beauty. Speaking of great goals - you will go a long way to beat Jeffy's grubber. Oliver has without doubt "got it" and he will play seniors very early - maybe even first game. Nathan Jones made a good return and kicked a big goal to seal the deal. Vince got into the game as it went on. "Pedo myths" contested hard and also kicked a goal . He will play round one. Kent again showed he will be an important player this year. Good day all round - Time for some vino!
  11. Or, better still, we could turn in the opposite direction and drop our dacks!
  12. .... and, thereafter, can find very few good reasons to unmute it
  13. Methinks you prostesteth overmuch my Lord! You are of course correct about the general level of vulgarity and smut on this thread. However, your highlighting of this obvious fact is clearly an aristocratic ploy to avoid answering some valid questions that have been raised about the master/slave goings on in "Hood House". Obviously I infer no immoral activities but I would have thought that one in your position would like to clear the air on certain ...err sensitive matters. For example. Do your maids have a tendency to be hirstute ? Just what role does "your man" Hudson play in this and where exactly does guava paste fit in? Answering these simple questions will surely keep the gossip mongerers at bay.
  14. Biffen can supply a cheap chemical version dc. In fact I believe your good self may have availed yourself such assistance during the course of your rigorous endeavours!
  15. I constantly strive for self abuse improvement bbub!
  16. Administering a jolly good thrashing comes readily to mind.
  17. Please inform if you are Ethan and you can have the pleasure of buying me alcohol.
  18. I'll be there - louder and more obnoxious than usual, and I will be handing out plenty of free advice to all Essendon supporters within earshot.
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