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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Calf injuries are lingering and recurring bastards - particularly as you get older.
  2. Well good evening one and all. As usual today finds your Uncle Bitter in a positive mood and fine spirits. I hope you all are as satisfied with the world as myself. I had a very uplifting morning at the Romsey Bible reading class ( The Lads booked me in) and I must say I feel cleansed and renewed! I must add though, that, as an upright citizen of this fine board, I am surprised that some of my recent well meaning and informative posts have been either deleted or censored!! Apparently there are Philistines and vandals among our fair number.
  3. Could be fun!! I've ordered one and if people ask who I am I'll give a false name and insult them - Can't wait!!!!
  4. You talking sex again picket? Well I agree, Jane has a nice Bunn.
  5. Just watched it too Jack. FMD, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The poor dumb [censored] still believes they were hard done by - an injustice. And what about the claim that they were given written assurances that everthing was legal and above board etc !!!!
  6. Haven't really thought about the other games yet but I do have a good feeling about Melbourne this week. First round games ( and a lot of other rounds) haven't been kind to us in recent years but I have seen real improvement in us and there is a confident and positive vibe about the club. Big Max has to at least break even with Mummy. This is crucial or we are stuffed. GWS have some good mids but so do we now and Jones, Vince , Brayshaw and Viney can mix it in any company. I reckon Oliver will play and provide some surprises. Add VDB's muscle and a cameo or two from Jeffy and we'll do ok. Bugge may prove a real pest. If JW produces he'll prove a headache to a Hogan focussed defence and our backs can handle their weakened forward line. Dees by 24 points.
  7. And .. just before I depart - you're a dirty [censored] too picket.
  8. Anyway you [censored]! We now have a respectable sheila on this thread. Mable is from Peru or somewhere so I want all you [censored] to cut out the [censored] vulgarity and behave. Especially you [censored] lawyer [censored]. And as for that pervert from Hopping dicks - ban him. Get rid of that shitty writer too. And Earl Hood, well nothing personal but just stick to Conchita. DC and Biffen are also [censored] - as is Moonie. And [censored] the choir boy too. I wont insult od because I live in hope of a free Pino. Good night!!
  9. I'm just about done in. A few of Biffen's inane drug [censored] comments would just about finish me. Talking to a dead writer does that to you. Actually it's very like having a discussion with Stuie.
  10. And another thing Ernie - I didn't like your cookbooks. Grapes are for vino, nothing else. And .... as for sardines ... FMD ... you can stick them. Call yourself a writer .... FMD.
  11. Is that what the bluerinsers use when they're gasping for breath dc?
  12. Is that what the bluerinsers use when they're gasping for breath dc?
  13. A porker of oldies waxing lyrical and philosophical - FMD!! What are you taking dc?
  14. And there's the problem P man. Not enough hardening up for a youngster whereas experienced players can get away with less match practice.
  15. Thanks for taking the time to clear up that important point 'luded.
  16. Now listen to me Ernie! You put the boots into me recently by suggesting I was some sort of pervert so don't go sanctimonious on me for linking you with lawyers. Although in all honesty I suppose it is preferable to be named a pervert than a lawyer. Or even a dead rather than a lawyer. Now as to Redtube. I could proffer an explanation and no doubt Biffen could offer a different bent. So, let us combine bent and lawyer ( hardly necessary I know) and let me suggest you direct this question to Redleg
  17. Yes fair point dc. I'd forgotten your prey would be confined to their Residential Care Facilities on chilly evenings.
  18. Perhaps we could all take a bullet to the jaw like Fiddy?
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