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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. How very sartorial of you Earl! I must say I have been under overwhelmed by the many generous offers above from d'landers trying to get rid off rubbish going the extra yard to help out. Now as to Ugg Boots, an elegant item to be sure, there are important issues of authenticity and verification that must be satisfied. A genuine Ugg Boot must originate from Moe and thus the question of whether your urban self would know of such a worthy hovel hamlet is raised. However, I realize you are man of honourable intent Earl so I would be happy to inspect the goods. Might I suggest you send Conchita over to The Manor and I shall examine the pelt personally.
  2. Picket knows those types of sheilas.
  3. Stow? ...Stow .... ? Wold ....? Best leave this alone chap ... will only end in tears.
  4. Yes his body language is ordinary at times ( and , to a lesser extent, attitude to teammates) but he is only a kid and under a lot pressure. Richo copped the same criticism and did all right. Young Jack at Richmond worked through the same issues. However he is frustrated - rightly. He was usually outnumbered and, IMO, frequently shepperded out of the contest unfairly. The delivery to Daniher was generally very good and appropriate to a player of his height. The delivery into our fifty was [censored]. Hogan needs to learn and improve - no doubt. However we did not give him fair opportunity on Saturday. PS. Lloyd is simply chasing a headline. Great footballer - [censored] journo.
  5. Clearly you have a very good memory for such matters Saty!!
  6. Just visited those purveyors of fine apparel, Messrs Harris & Scarfe. They were offering "Hush Puppies" for around $90.00 which they informed me were reduced from $150.00 -FMD!!! I am out of touch with the world, I need to get off the estate more often. BTW Ethan, dc has a trophy collection of used underwear that also may interest you. BTW 2. Any chance of desert boots in the Philippines SWWL? When are you taking off? BTW 3. Those things that my old mate Stu featured above were generically called "Ripple Soles". I reckon I had a pair once but well before the 90's.
  7. In order to allay any concerns you have Doctor, feel free to scrutinise my undergarments for authenticity.
  8. In order to allay any concerns you have Doctor, feel free to scrutinise my undergarments for authenticity.
  9. I always knew you were a decent chap Ethan. Rather than being tawdry and mentioning cash I propose an exchange. I have some wonderfully stained undergarments that may be to your taste and would more than compensate for the loss of the brothel creepers.
  10. I always knew you were a decent chap Ethan. Rather than being tawdry and mentioning cash I propose an exchange. I have some wonderfully stained undergarments that may be to your taste and would more than compensate for the loss of the brothel creepers.
  11. Plymouth Argyle!! Used to go out with him in my undergrad days.
  12. I know a lot of old bastards post here so I'm looking for some info. Is it still possible to buy old style desert boots? ( Brothel creepers in some circles) Poor old Uncle Bitter is a tad footsore of late and I used to find these rather comfortable. I don't think they'll clash with estate moleskins and Drizabone - I'm going for a more macho look (sans designer stubble of course) at the moment.
  13. What the [censored] drugs are you taking picket? Give the skinny kid a chance ffs!!
  14. Just woke from a Shiraz induced coma in urgent need of putting out the fire. Drinking water FMD! Someone please tell me I had a football nightmare and we really didn't lose the unlosable! PLEASE
  15. FMD Wise why did you have to start me thinking about Norf immediately after today's debacle? They will [censored] the absolute [censored] out of us!
  16. Kennedy (Two weeks in a row has shown good value and already more consistent than Jeremy Who) N. Jones tried all day Garlett. Kicked a couple (one special) that's his job. Tyson stuck with it. Matt Jones. Yes a couple of shockers but presented all day ( Wasn't the only one guilty of shockers) Pedo myths. Competed well in the ruck. A couple of good grabs. Always full effort when his limited opportunities came.
  17. I'm going to find a stronger drink! Correct Mable but I expect it's the same in Cabo Verde!
  18. Good god Stu!!! You didn't get hijacked on a trip to Damascus did you?
  19. King is a terrible commentator. He's on a par with Slobbo!
  20. Well I expect OD will return to his pessimistic ways after today's shitfest. The only good thing about today was that I withdrew at the last moment. Let me rephrase that. I was unable to attend to due to a late change of circumstance. So I am getting [censored] on a better quality vino than I would otherwise. Plus I am not having to put up with Biffen's drugtaking. BTW. What's this I hear about Stuie and Moonie having drinkies together. Oh yes here's an odd one. I was the recipient of some road rage from a bikie today. He pulled up next to me and threatened to "put a bullet between (my) eyes". The world's full of f...wits. Anyway, toodle pip all - it's back to the Shiraz for Uncle Bitters. Oh yes, because Essendon won, I did promise to give the squeeze " a jolly good flogging". However, I think I'll just [censored] myself and consider what ill luck caused me to be a Demon's supporter. Ron Barassi has a lot to answer for!
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