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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Correct Biffen. Dee luded is a wonderful poster. A bit erratic on occasion to be sure but his heart is in the right place. The cheap shots at him seriously [censored] me.
  2. Correct Mable. I usually hate Essendon more than any other team but , as the septic tanks say, I shall be rooting for them on Monday. I have wonderful visions of Eddie's face when the final siren goes and the subsequent implosion at filthland. Apart from Monday though, I wish Essendrug every ill for the rest of the season.
  3. Have to 'fess up. I had a good whack at Hawks at $1.40.
  4. Jeez you blokes know buggar all!! Adam and his missus named Evie started it all. They lived in Eden (which is now an over rated town in NSW). Anyway a scientific analysis of the literature carried out by an Irishman named Usher calculated the first bang as it were ( not to be confused with the Big Bang) to have taken place about 4000 years BC . (And likely even before OD) Our lately silent mod aka the good doctor would be able to confirm this.
  5. picket you are an imbecile! Biffen you are a pig! I can't post at the moment as I've been watching footage of Our Majesty's 90th. I'm teared up and excited. I'm just hoping for another royal wedding or royal birth. It's a re run of "Beaches" for me tonight.
  6. You will probably get a ban for that statement skinny. Stuie is the only poster qualified to comment on myths - ie pedomyths!
  7. Good Lord Mable!!!!! That Canabodia must be backwater indeed. Those movies had a great influence on me and Jabba the Hutt was my role model. In latter years though he was supeceded by Pizza the hut
  8. Timing is everything isn't it? A few years ago and the only coverage of women's footy was on the Coodabeens. The girls were battling it out in the mud for zilch. Now Daisy will be making a squillion - and good for her she is a talented and articulate advocate. I hope the comp takes off and they all make a quid.
  9. Don't even think about it Gnash -- I may well top myself if that happened!
  10. I hate to raise it on this forum Biffen but as I have actually had the life changing experience of seeing you slip objects into your pants, ... well let me just say .. I wish I hadn't.
  11. That argument is totally unsupportable and illogical Stu. Number of posts on Dland means jack [censored] (look at me FFS) Vineytime could be Paul Roos sending out coded messages.
  12. The older and less technologically adept I become, the more that word "obsolescence" scares the [censored] out of me.
  13. Is that Mrs. pickets view of her yet to experience an orgasm life??
  14. No he would crunch them up and swallow them!! Maybe he'd just swallow them whole!!
  15. I had my first tranny in the 60's. Black and shiny. Geez I gave it a solid workout but it just kept on going and going. I think it came from Singapore.
  16. Better than me - I remember the name but nothing else.
  17. Give the missus a jolly good flogging for causing all this anxiety.
  18. Just back Mable- for a moment, I have other matters to attend to. However, I can confirm that Robbo is still, quite simply, an absolute [censored]!!
  19. Now don't be like that Stu - mates can say these things. Wink wink , nudge , nudge. Anyway the dees won so it's Fox footy for me
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