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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. I'm so excited I shall give myself multiple floggings! While doing so I shall visualise Big Max.
  2. I realise you were Joking Rev. Unfunny however!! FMD I've been banned for less than this!!!!
  3. That was the best team effort I've seen for years. I'm predicting no change. But if they want to bring Lumumba back then Garland is out.
  4. Gawn - It all starts here and can go forward and kick a goal. Viney - Made a big statement in the third quarter Jones - There's a reason he's captain. Harmes - Got a shitload of the ball and used it well. Jetta - Does his job and more. Has guts. Oliver - Cant believe I have to put a kid in the votes. He is a genuine [censored] brutal beast. Cant wait till he starts to shave!!
  5. It's decision time Jane.. Hubby either gets fully on board .... or he's out. No more Filth .... or get rid of him!!
  7. As has been noted above we appear short down back, however, now Petracca provides a genuine mobile marking option in the forward line which allow Pedomyths to play back if we are struggling.
  8. Might be my chance to get a new spandex jockstrap at a bargain price.
  9. Christ Biffen, like your aliases, that could be any one of about 27. Why don't you just have stuff posted to the Gat?
  10. He who lives in a dwelling with transparent viewing ports should not chuck yonnies dc.
  11. Supporters disappointed............................again!!
  12. It is a [censored] hole - the only redeeming feature today was my presence.
  13. Just home and [censored] off. This may not be the thread for a rules question but I would like to under which rule Melbourne defenders are not allowed to go within 20 metres of Nick Reiwoldt?
  14. Hope you're enjoying a saki or two Col. As to your points above - Hipsters. I believe our resident bun man Earl Hood is currently denying his hipster associations and trying to make a living in pharmaceuticals. Lamas. Not a subject "the lads" care to discuss. Pimping and the Gat. The Gat is being sold and sanitized so Biffen's business interests are currently suffering. Booze. Well hate to say it but there appears to be some problem drinkers on this site. You know how it is Col, everything changes but things stat the same - well usually. There has been one profound change which has left this thread in tatters. OD has cast off his cloak of pessimism and glumness and is spreading the word of joyous optimism.
  15. Well you are clearly claiming to know better when you censor much of my brilliant writing Gnasher.
  16. [censored] of fence . This thread is only for the intelligentsia of Demonland.
  17. What about your good self Mable? Will you be wearing some sort of national costume? Beads? Grass skirt?
  18. Indeed OD and a lot of posters forget he has played some good footy for the dees. Nice bloke too!
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