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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Congratulations on a wonderful thread RTG! It allows the best of Demonland to pull together- psychopaths, sociopaths, misanthropes and the generally twisted. Gotta love Demonland !! I feel quite at home.
  2. Yes it is sad and silly that AFL didn't pump some of their squillions into having a team in Tassie. However, like it or not, those same squillions will continue to go into the new franchises. There is no way the AFL will let any of them fold.
  3. An apology for a careless error followed by a considered and well researched post. You are a fine example to all Demonlanders Biffen.
  4. Fat Phil will have to cut back on the pies.
  5. We'll discuss it in the corporate box on Sunday old mate.
  6. The thing is dc, a stoning would have to be tasteful and well organised before I'd be interested.. You know we'd want front row seats and plenty of coldies ( can't risk dehydration in those parts). And we would need someone reliable to hold the bets. You know, " I'll give 5 to 1 that that Abdul's next yonnie takes out her left eye." I hope Earl Hood has considered the potential needs of his clients.
  7. I agree with your sentiments picket - but you're [censored] up!
  8. Have you booked in any stonings of immoral sheilas Earl? This could influence my attendance.
  9. I think you have to get over this attitude bb. Some of the worst sickos imaginable are on Demonland. Your worst extravagances are normal here. Just consider dc's immoral and unnatural hobbies.
  10. You know the old story bb! It was all a question of whether or not you were quick enough to catch a good looking camel
  11. The Bedouin were basically decent blokes dc. Could get excitable on occasion but generally liked to relax at the oasis and enjoy the odd date. Camel lovers though!
  12. Hardly profound old drinking buddy. Dominating the clearances (or not ) goes a fair way to winning or losing any week.
  13. Jesus picket fence will masturbate for days over this announcement! Ollie Choo choo ! Ollie choo choo ! Get the rhythm.
  14. You are not turning old and cynical and, dare I say it, "bitter" are you OD? Well I suppose you can't turn old. But what about cynical and bitter?
  15. You are just being silly Ethan. Go and [censored] yourself give yourself a jolly good flogging.
  16. I'm 148. IQ that is. I think it best if I withdraw my application for your tour Ernie.
  17. Agreed no risks should be taken. He is only a kid and potentially has years of footy ahead of him.
  18. Good luck to her. Hope she has a terrific career up there.
  19. I didn't know that dazzle but , as you implied, it just adds to a shocking decision that , in my mind, makes a joke of the MR process.
  20. Took the words right outa my mouth Joeboy. 3 words. Impressive and eloquent.
  21. I've been known to play well down back.
  22. I see a lot of merit in this idea. Dawes is big and strong - he can physically match it with anyone. He has a tank, smarts and is a good disposer. His weakness is chancy marking but this isn't such a problem in defence where can spoil and recover. We have defence problems and Dawes could be the answer. Love to see it !!
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