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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. It seems we share some important traits Ernie. Laudable all of them. However, if I may be so bold as to make a further suggestion to one of your (late) stature. Forget the singing.
  2. I would like to know the answer to this question. At times against Port and particularly against the dogs I reckoned they must have had their whole 22 on the ground. If you are outnumbered in one area, presumably you should outnumber the opp in another area. At times we are outnumbered everywhere. Is it simply a workrate issue? Are some players lazy or not following instructions? Are players confused?
  3. Ernie you have haunted this thread for too long and allowed yourself to be seduced by the crass vulgarity of some posters. Your lofty moral standards have been torn asunder and your libertine self laid bare. It becomes you.
  4. This stuck out like dogs balls yesterday. Port's kicking was far better than ours and was a major contributor to our defeat. The ball into our forward 50 was very ordinary (short, long or wrong side) compared to the delivery Port's forwards received.
  5. Gawn . Ho's to advantage. Big marks and goals. Even some clever ground work. Jones. A four quarter contribution. Hogan. Effective all over the ground. Big power marks. (set shots continue to worry) Jetta. Most reliable defender. He appears to also have gained a touch of pace. Watts. Presents up forward. Creative. Actually contributed in the ruck. Hunt. Pace! Will become a real weapon. His run down tackle was an inspiration.
  6. Now this is what I call a clear and unequivocal statement Politicians take note!!!
  7. Some jolly good floggings being handed out on this thread. I could become redundant!
  8. Come and take a breath of fresh air at Romsey Manor Bombay!! You'd be chasing a decent Biriyani after that!!
  9. When I was in Cantberra a few weeks ago to peruse Special Robert's exhibition, I was tempted to have another Captain Cook at the chilly Poles but I was getting thirsty and headed back to bar at the hotel. Interesting though. As I recall, Gough paid about 6 mill for it. I remember reading an article a year or so ago that said it would likely bring 200 mill now. FMD. Anyway I'm guessing that will end this conversation Moonie, as your "knowledge" of art will now be exhausted
  10. Yes Bombay. I think Swans but $3.00 for a undefeated team seems crazy
  11. Does that mean you have to wash them more ......................... or less?
  12. Now it's one thing for a dead [censored] to make judgements - death gives you kudos. However an old shagger like yourself dc has no moral standing.
  13. Boolean Algebra doesn't solve everything. Let your instincts run wild and go with an option. Create the logic later.
  14. Do you know Ernie dland is the closest I get to social media. I suppose that is sad because it means millions of children are denied my guidance. Katter !!! FMD not Bob Katter!!!
  15. I love hate being a dissenter but I find no joy in current indigenous art. It's become a bandwagon thing and splashes and spots have replaced talent. Didn't mind the late Albert's work though
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