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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Sorry Rev have moved on to Shanghai and living the high life on someone else's money LG
  2. Earl, Earl ! Come now, we are visionaries and entrepreneurs- let lesser mortals ( Hudson comes to mind) concern themselves with petty paperwork! It is the big picture for us It has all been fingers to the bone here and your money is being well spent However, it does not do to appear as a pauper and I am only dealing withe highest class establishments. I have been wonderfully innovative with your guava paste and amazed the locals. Another $5000 should see me through and just watch the orders roll in PS please transfer to my Swiss account Yours in trust Bitter
  3. That is not my good self! However I shall forgive an honest mistake H as the fellow has a very impressive physique and bears a similar striking pose. I do not usually bare my bosoms in such a tawdry display however. Uncle is currently in Shanghai after a very exciting trip on the fast train. A couple of the local coolies thought they could take my seat but after I let loose with some flatulence that had been bubbling away for a day or two the beggars soon jolly well scattered Admist a storm of gagging and chocking sounds I might add - bwahaha bwahahaha - dammed funny moment. Anyway it provided a seat for both myself and my guts. Earl , I have been promoting your products in establishments that provide .... Err .. personal services It has been quite expensive so a further advance is required I am sure your investment will be returned manyfold
  4. I am reporting in from Bejing I'm having considerable internet difficulties so [censored] knows when I'll get the scores. i am confident of a comfortable win though - Go Dees!!!!!!!
  5. Good morning all Yes there were some misunderstandings at immigration but your intrepid Uncle Bitter is on the loose in Bejing. I am having some communication issues - Google is not in favour and it seems demonland is ,rightly, on the subversive sites list. I have already had to show some local coolies my quirt to get them hopping but now proper order has been restored and "Uncle" is being properly attended to. Although it took 6 of the lazy beggars to carry me up the Great Wall. I had a good look around but I couldn't find where those utes come from I wonder if Great Wall is an ancestor of picket fence? Btw Earl - a further cash advance is required! Btw Biffen I am handing out your cards to prospective employeesy Must go there are some armed soldiers heading in my direction
  6. Good morning lesser beings. Good old uncle bitters has just ordered an overpriced and oversized breakfast at Tulla , prior to heading off on an Asian odyssey. Once again my diplomacy in dealing with poor people will be on display. Im quite generous with the natives and provided they are properly deferential I shall cast a few coins in their direction BTw As requested Earl , I shall spread a few flyers around the Forbidden City extolling the aphrodisiac qualities of Guava paste Sorry to hear Ernie has been feeling poorly, I shall try and obtain some powdered white rhino horn for him looking forward to a foot massage in Peking - they seem very exciting
  7. PS. Just between you and me picket! There are substances available that may assist you in relieving your missus' frustrations. But be discerning, and do your due diligence, many of the penis enhancement drugs aren't what they are cracked up to be.
  8. For possibly the first time ever picket you make some sense. As I mentioned on this thread some time ago, I was opening a marriage counselling business. Ironically the only response I had was from your Mrs. However the provisions of professional confidentiality do not allow me to comment further on her many disappointments and sexual frustrations. However, I would welcome correspondence from those in need of any type of assistance. I'm sure personal support from "Dear Uncle Bitter" would change many lives.
  9. Among your other attributes (that I alluded to on another thread) you are also a base and cynical fellow Ethan. Where would Stu be without me?
  10. Just read this thread. FMD twice over!!! Give the guy a [censored] break. [censored] me we eat our own on Demonland.
  11. I agree P !! Would love to see Grimes back. Maybe not this week though because of the need to cover the filth's two talls.
  12. Be honest Stu, now that you and I, are BFF's and drinking buddies my goodwill has rubbed off on you and made you a better person. Who knows, we might even attend the GAT's closing down party together!
  13. Tell them you are "Bitter but optimistic" and see what that gets you RL
  14. Err listen HT do you reckon you can focus that camera into RL's cabin? I'd like to see what shifty lawyers get up to in the privacy of their own bunks.
  15. This will be difficult for one of your obviously limited social status to understand picket, but one of my stature does not make "application". One is headhunted.
  16. I wonder if Dunny is any chance this week to pick up Cloke or Cox?
  17. An expected result but it is a relief to hear it.
  18. I think you should receive a stiff penalty for that comment Ernie!
  19. This could be the time to bring deeluded back after a very long spell!!! Dland will be sadly undermanned if they are both out!
  20. As you are clearly a smarmy, self serving and decadent fellow ( all useful traits to be sure) it seems obvious.
  21. I presume your new employment is in a morally corrupt industry Ethan.
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