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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Now dee luded is an intelligent if misunderstood poster. How long did the poor bastard get? [censored] me Eddie got off lightly compared to 'luded Any mods reading this? It's about time to resurrect 'luded. I don't think he's committed a capital offence.
  2. I don't get this. I never put anyone on ignore ( although I'm sure many have me on ignore) You delve around in enough buckets of [censored], you'll eventually find that diamond ring. ( I've mixed a few metaphors or something but i'm sure you'll get my point - I think. EERR well .. maybe you should put me on ignore too Wise
  3. Wow old drinking buddy!! This is quite an amazing assertion - I think you need to find some of those elusive stats to back it up.
  4. Calm down picket!! Clarry is just having a rest! Do what I taught you and relax. Left hand Clarry Choo Choo ! Clarry Choo Choo! Smooth change. Right hand Clarry Choo Choo! Clarry Choo Choo! Get the rhythm picket you will soon be fine!!
  5. Sorry Biff I think I sent you 3 times cut guava paste - sue Earl Hood _ if he survives. RE Dermie. I've long held the view that Dermie is a complete dick head on all matters but footy. A bit like Warnie on all but cricket. But it is really interesting how his delivery (speech not leggies) has been trained over the years. You'll note he has been taught to pause and enunciate slowly to feign a considered opinion. Of course he can pause as long as he likes - you cannot produce strawberry jam out of pig shite!
  6. This is the key to it. He is still only a boy and there is no point knocking him around every week at this stage of his development. He's shown enough to indicate he will be a long term gun player. FFS we can get another 15 years out this fella!!
  7. Pimping can't be that difficult surely Ethan? Biffen's been doing it for years.
  8. The good thing for me OD, is that I can look forward to a game of footy at the moment without being certain of a 100 point flogging. The bad thing is squandering a couple of chances we should have taken. The Essendrug game is still drives me to drink. So, despite the improvement, I'm still disappointed because we should still be in the finals hunt.
  9. Good God Ben!! That must have been a massive dose of radiation that nailed you on the road to Damascus!!
  10. Sadly I am enjoying my last night in the warm bosom of Malaysia and must fly home in the am. There is a crisis at the Manor - apparently the heating has broken down in The lads' accommodation and they are quite distressed. Are well all free things come to an end. Im enjoying a Shiraz from "Cranswick" - a quaffer but as good as you'll get in Asia. Anyone know it - I've never heard of it. i love Malaysia and my Bahasa Indonesia is working far better in Penang than KL. However my first visit to Shanghai will live long in my sodden memory - what a place!! The forest of high rise apartments was was breathtaking. Three stories 1. I was out in the burbs looking for a particular market when I chanced upon a debaters corner!! There was a crowd of 2 or 3 hundred divided into about a dozen discussion groups. Each group had 2 clear protagonists and the crowd was showing either support or not for the strength of their arguments I didn't understand a word but the intent was clear. I didn't realize such a forum existed although I doubt the issues were anti government. 2. Another market street in the old town. This fellow had a shop front into which a limited number of people were admitted and they appeared to be bidding on something or other.The fellow was good and had the crowd in a frenzy. Anyway this woman about 40 ran and approached her husband and held her hand out for money He clearly refused so she gave him two smart whacks to the head. He bravely refused again so she unleashed a tirade of abuse and a flurry of blows. He took it stoically I must say. She then pulled his pocket open and took his money. After looking at it she gave him two more and marched back to the auction. During this a child in a pusher was going hysterical. It rather questions the myth of compliant Asian women!!! 3. Walking along a very busy Bund when a little boy about 3 was caught short! His mum was trying to get him to pee in a plastic bottle! The little bloke was having none of it. Funny viewing Toodle pip folks See you in Oz!!
  11. "Intellectually endowed" Bwahaha Bwahaha !!!!!!!!! " friendship group" Bwahaha !!!!!!! Bwahaha !!!!!!!! Bwahaha !!!!!!!!!
  12. Good morning to all you cold climate dwellers . Rather warmer here in Batu Feringgi and Your ever reliable Uncle is still enjoying "la dolce vita" as the frogs say. ( thanks again Earl) A lovely dinner last night at a place that actually had a decent though previously unknown to me Aussie Shiraz . Quenched the thirst rather nicely. The evening was so pleasant in fact that I enjoyed a [censored] after dinner - a Chinese one would you believe. A note for Pickett . I would consider your ideas re "Bitter Fence" on two provisos 1. You have nothing to do with the actual business 2. Since you could hardly provide intellect , you would be expected to provide the start up capital. A note for Earl Hood. I trust you are entertaining your new business partners Earl. As I said interesting fellows. A note for dc. A lot of bluerinsers holidaying over here dc . Perhaps a break from Borewood would be beneficial? Anyway must go. The sun is over the yard arm and the splash pool awaits haha the censored was f a g as in rokok ( Bahasa Indonesia )
  13. Sadly the only decent thing about Singapore these days is the jolly good floggings they deal out on a wonderfully regular basis. And of course, it is still possible to purchase a splendid rattan - if you know the right people
  14. Ernie! Ernie you are but a wizened old ghost of your former womanizing boozing self! "A break from Uncle Bitters" ???!!! Where would you ( this thread, indeed the world of lesser mortals) be without the insights that my lurid experiences and misguided intellect provide? Join me in the trough and joyfully wallow in the slime.
  15. As there appears to little else of interest happening in the world , I shall give a comprehensive coverage of my Asian adventures shortly. Stand by for a moment of rare edification
  16. Your poor old Uncle Bitter may have to accept some responsibility in this matter. The old flatulence problem flared up with the local food. The laundryman used long wooden tongs to handle Uncle's underwear. Quite embarrassing
  17. Uncle Bitter is currently enjoying the high life in Batu Feringgi at a 6 star resort. I received an escort to the airport in Shanghai and a strange stamp was smeared over my visa. All a bit odd but it saved a taxi fare. Earl your expense advance was inadequate so I had to book up some charges for my "special needs" . The "Triad Corporation" were very helpful and agreed that their Melbourne agents would collect direct from you. I gave them the address of your hipster pad in Fitzroy - hope that works out well for you. Had a lovely dinner last night and quaffed plenty of a half decent Chillean red. Mine host was a tough old Sheila of Chinese South African extraction . She spoke English, Bahasa Malaysia and Japanese. Her late husband was Indian and she introduced me to her rather exotic looking daughters. ( No Ernie, I didn't go the grope) Wine is quite expensive here but good old Uncle is splashing the cash and contributing generously to the local economy. Toodlepip!!!!
  18. Now now Ernie don't be so sensitive. Merely a matter of genuine curiosity.
  19. Did you feel her up as she squeezed past bb? l realise it's your business but I like to know these details.
  20. Well I suppose If slagging each other was stopped you'd get rid of all the scumbags like Biffen , RTG, Moonie and his mate Stuie, that strange Ethan [censored] from WA and gaggle of others No loss any of the [censored]!
  21. Quite possibly the silliest post ..........,, ever!!!!!
  22. Think that place is Gawn Moonie and there are some additions to the skyline! went the French quarter last and had a gut full of Chianti. The perfect loud and boorish Aussie
  23. No no Earl!!!! You misunderstand me! Uncle was the beneficiary of a modest bequest from the late and lamented Aunt Bertha. As if I'd be reckless with your hard earned Earl Just transfer that additional $5000 and you'll soon be racking it in Trust me!!
  24. AFL does not feature greatly here in Shanghai - hard to credit I know! I shall be expecting good news when I return to Dland later today Im positive though - this could be the big one! Go Dees!!!
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