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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. An excellent observation.You have cut to the heart of the matter bb!!
  2. I just read the above and saw Kero on the vid. If only I knew how to post polls, I would want to know who, the discerning voters of d'land ,would rate the most sanctimonious - Stuie or Kero?
  3. Indeed! The last time we played it seems he was a "shadow" as he time and again marked on his own 30 metres from a defender!
  4. And people accuse me of having a bizarre lifestyle!!!! I wonder if any Demonlanders do this thing? ( Would even Moonie be silly enough?) Maybe Stuie has a Bible based version where one hunts down the beast that wears 666 I would appreciate further information on this matter.
  5. Apparently my grip on reality (no vulgar quips please) has finally totally gone. Someone was trying to explain to me that people are actually wandering our fair city trying to capture imaginary creatures with their phones. Tell me it isn't so.
  6. EErrrrr yes of course Earl. You know my record keeping is meticulous , however, it was the floods ...... yes that's it .. the floods. Lost the lot unfortunately. I'll settle for another $5000 and call it quits.
  7. Don't know how that "s" got in there!
  8. Did you keep the armpits clear Ethan?
  9. Actually I have chased down dc's avian alter ego - Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra) Humans may joke about getting the horn, but the male satyr tragopan actually grows a pair. They’re electric blue, inflatable, and form a matching set with the bird’s brightly patterned, retractable, bib-like throat lappet. The male brandishes this wacky trio of now-you-see-them-now-you-don’t ornaments during a spectacular courtship display that is rooted heavily in the principle of ‘shock and awe’.
  10. Two more albatrosses around my neck - FMD, as if I don't have enough problems in my life!!!
  11. Yeah it shits me too Biff. I was switching radio stations today and all heard was Collingwood, Collingwood ........ Apparently our game up north was a figment of the Demonland imagination.
  12. I'd be interested to know how those Darwin games impact on big blokes like Gawn and Hogan. I remember reading that Jono Brown would lose 5-6 kg during a hot game in Brisbane. Apparently this was all very closely monitored and he would be fed a huge hamburger and litres of drink immediately after the game. He would not leave the ground until measured levels of hydration and weight were re established.
  13. Imagine we didn't throw away 4 points against Essendrug!
  14. BTW Ethan were you magnificently ungracious in victory last night?
  15. Probably a bit early to go on this topic but Oscar looks an out so I'd reckon Wagner back. A lot will depend on how players pull up and a couple of the younger guys did look exhausted so Ollie Chew Chew may get a gig - possibly for Stretch.
  16. 6. T Mac - Maybe his best game 5 N. Jones - He was there, when needed, all night. 4. Hogan. 4 goals. Marks all over the ground. 3. Tyson - Did his job without being spectacular. 2. Jetta - Very solid and created some forward moves. 1. Grimes. Ordinary start then lifted.
  17. Ha ha ha !! Well at least you know what to do in future doc!!
  18. Anyway game time boys (and girls)!! Notice doc roet has gone - must have taken my advice!!
  19. It wasn't the ideal place for a pleasant family dinner. Dunno if it's any better these days.
  20. I believe he is snowed in at his meth lab in the ( ......) hills. Either that or he is deceased.
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