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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Yep can't argue with the outs. Reckon Grimes and Trengove are gawn!!
  2. There was "no way" we could have beaten Geelong at Geelong ............................
  3. Now then adc, I'm going to insist that you present yourself to Stuie for a spanking!! Your "humour" is unwelcome on this intellectual thread as it is clearly degrading to the fair sex. I'm sure righteous posters such as ..... dc ... well perhaps not dc . Maybe Biffen ... (no he runs a brothel) ... Well anyway it will offend someone. In any event singling out ostriches in a derogatory comparison to the fair sex is also patently unfair. The Society for the Protection of Ostriches will be after you. Actually I believe our Green voter maybe offended. Sort it out with him!
  4. Well that would be a major reversal from ripping off charities for years.!!!
  5. Wonderful!!! I hope gnasher does not delete this gem.
  6. arhh picket ! Like all lunatics you sometimes hit the mark! I must say I have no particular interest in Prince Albert. However, I'll admit there is much speculation about his nocturnal activities. As to Basil - my interest in him stems from his wonderful portrayal of the great detective. The films were largely inaccurate but Rathbone fit the Sherlock character better than any other. In fact I have quite a collection of Basil Rathbone memorabilia! Now here's a dark secret just for you picket. One of my many fantasies was to be a rich factory/sweathouse owner in the Victorian era. Make of that what you will!!
  7. Bit hard on Pedo I reckon. He was going well and doing a good job as forward/ruck but was unfortunately stopped by injury and illness.
  8. [censored] !!!! Is Saty a Pom? I didn't know that !! I hope he paid more than 10 quid to get here!!!
  9. I keep opening those contacts from Asian sheilas who love me and get similar problems. [censored] ..... I hope the squeeze doesn't see this.
  10. Well ..no. I'm figuring the hipster bosom would be a tad sweaty from bike riding or jogging the tan, so Earl's sheilas will get really excited over the manly odour of a randy alpaca who has just stomped a fox to death.
  11. Well I must be one of those nuffers Vo Po because it seems to me 50 + years is a [censored] long journey and inept efforts like last Sunday indicate there is no end in sight.
  12. Let us hope your agility continues Earl. This little piece of arcane information may assist you in that regard. Hatchet Man - "late 19th century (originally US): figuratively, from an early use denoting a hired Chinese assassin" BTW Earl if you think any of the Hood female household needs a safe refuge during your difficult times, your ever reliable Uncle Bitter will welcome them into the bosom of Romsey Manor.
  13. I imagine you have a number and variety of such ..... er "devices" picket!
  14. Well what a [censored] disaster the footy was!! Your poor (now poorer) old Uncle Bitter was very confident of a win and, consequently, put a shiteload on the dees. Thankfully, I watched the disaster unfold from The Manor but at certain moments had temper issues and threw objects!! Well that caused mayhem - The Lads scattered, the dog [censored] on the floor and my missiles ( cans) damaged the walls. The squeeze is really [censored] off and it is likely that your uncle will be denied any er...... relationship pleasures for some considerable time. The only thing that would cheer me now is another's misfortune. Something along the lines of dc getting the pox or picket breaking a leg
  15. Thanks for the prompt reply but my recollection is that I said the post or argument was weak. I called the poster by name.
  16. I would like to know under what article of the so called "Code of Conduct" my recent post to Stuie was removed? It was not vulgar. It could hardly be considered offensive. It was relevant to an issue raised in a number of still extant posts above. It was not a personal attack. ??????????????????????????????
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