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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. It was the bloody peacock picket!! Finally shut the noisy bastard up.
  2. Well Jack as you may have guessed , I was at a prayer group. dc, I am certain would have been indulging in his Saturday night "hobby" of rogering blue rinsers. picke fence would be buried in his ongoing stud fantasies that mostly sexualise early model motor cars I have good information that Moonie is currently in a land far away creating a huge credit card debt The ever feckless and unreliable Biffen was, I more than suspect, indulging in a cocktail of illegal substances Earl Hood was at a currently fashionable hipster hamburger joint delicately sipping on what , to most, would be an unpalatable craft beer. Probably brewed from hoarhound and yams. od was most likely enjoying a free Pinot ( he will deny this and claim supplies are exhausted) As to Ernie well he would be wrestling with the moral dilemma of whether or not to post on this thread bb and RL play their cards close to the chest - their whereabouts remain unknown. Although I have heard that RL has more (less) than healthy interest in Redtube. As more information comes to hand you can be sure I will reveal it
  3. The doggies are missing Jack Redpath - a most underrated player who would straighten them up.
  4. Indeed chook - I just made the same comment to the squeeze. And you can add in an extra day for recovery.
  5. And not overly bright!!! WTF would you go to America to learn how to make coffee? FMD! Every type I tried over there - from Starbucks to some greasy diner - tasted like watered down Alpaca [censored].
  6. Bwahaha Bwahahaha! Thanks picket that's comedy gold!!! You a "sensation " !!!!! Bwahaha!!!! I haven't laughed so much since the peacock went under the ride on mower.
  7. Well at least you would be ... err ... going down in the line of duty dc. Who knows you might even equal (or better) the formidable record set by Sir Billy!
  8. When will elephant in the room (aka the Brownlow or Downlow in this case) be sorted? This whole saga of [censored] has become tedious and I've lost the plot as it were.
  9. Well if events become too stressful dc, I'm sure you'll find a bluerinser or two for some diversion therapy.
  10. I stated early on in this thread that I was opposed to the idea of recruiting Harvey. A number of other posters have stated good reasons in agreement with this. I also note that other posters support the notion of recruiting. Having read the many informed arguments on this thread my opposition has been reinforced and, in fact, I would like to broaden the question somewhat. If you concede the point for a moment that we don't want him then who actually would take Harvey? Given salary cap and list limitations what team could actually gain from having him as a listed player? Is he a dynamic game changer? How long has he got left in him? Whose place would he take? If you want him to teach then give him a coaching job, otherwise what is his value?
  11. I made the same promise Jane and am also currently reconsidering. Given all the talk about this game on this site and, no doubt the doggies' fans will roll up in great numbers, there could be a huge crowd!!
  12. Yes no doubt that is the case RL. However I still find it difficult to reconcile with way he looked after the hit.
  13. On a footballing note I read that Salem is considered likely to play. Our erstwhile reporter has posted the link above. I have to say I find this incredible. Salem was out like the proverbial light yet they are saying the concussion was very mild. With all the concerns about, duty of care and litigation, not to mention the possibility of damage emerging later - why would you take the risk?
  14. Jolly decent of you to take one for the team Earl - particularly since have suffered some other financial setbacks of late. However a word of caution. It does not do for we of the well to do class to show signs of generosity. It leads to no good. It can set an unwanted tone and before you know it exploited workers are seeking a pay rise. Next thing those numeric visa types will want to move out of the back shed and demand fresh water. We don't want to sow the seeds of revolution do we? On a personal note, perhaps the good "Lady Hood" would be more amenable to the corvette if she wasn't concerned that you may use it to parade the hirstute Conchita? Oh well toodle pip. I think shall give some of the staff a jolly good flogging.
  15. Dunno Earl. I reckon it could be a good night ....... a few tinnies, some laughs ...... might even have a [censored] or two. Can't imagine why the colloquial term for cigarette was censored!
  16. You are just mischief making Ethan. Go and give yourself a jolly good flogging.
  17. Yes it was an impressive and timely performance by Smith , however, the highlights for me were Salem and Clarrie Chew Chew. Until he was injured, Salem was back to his silken best. He was a ball magnet and very penetrating with his kicking. I was having visions of him doing just this and being a real weapon for Melbourne next year. On that form Milkshake will not be taking his spot. Clarrie amazed me. He has matured remarkably over the season and the schoolboy seems to have disappeared. He looks to have added an even further edge of hardness. You can see how these finals will top off a development year for Clarrie and his ilk.
  18. Do you ever dare leave the warm embrace of Borewood dc and venture into the wilds of Box Hill?
  19. Agree Goffy - far too many perverts on this site. That Ethan Kneetremble fellow from out west is foremost among them! We need a moderator like Stuie to sort things out. ( at least once we broke him of the habit of quoting himself). Why the [censored] would he quote himself?
  20. Child raising advice from Biffen! FMD!!! A homeless and helpless procurer of women and a drug dealer. FMD!!! FMD before you know it the [censored] will have some sort of parenting 101 on facebook. FMD!!! His spawn are all unknown to him! FMD!!!!
  21. Don't be silly. It's to re oxygenate the Shiraz!
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