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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Now a question - probably best answered by Moonie or Earl Hood.. One of Uncle's many admirers produced a voucher to an eatery called Bopha Devi and I'm wondering whether or not I need to bun up to attend such a place?
  2. To all my many friends friend. To whoever might GAF about what I say - Happy Christmas! May your wine be excellent, your fantasies unlikely and your wallet undamaged.
  3. How very vulgar of you hillbilly! Give yourself a good flogging immediately !!
  4. No sane person would bb. At least not without the gear you would wear at a Chernobyl type of event.
  5. Hahah love it! You, Stuie and a couple of others all copped a month during the great purge. I only got 2 weeks. Don't know if it was deemed low impact, it was certainly intentional. Maybe it was that karma thing ...or the spirit of Christmas. Funny though.
  6. No third man up !! This is one of the the few rule changes in recent history that actually appears considered, useful and will improve the game. FMD . It's taken a while.
  7. Well in that case I'd like to take this opportunity to criticise Stuie for .... for ........... well there must be ........... It'll come to me .................! I'm sure he's guilty of ....... something.
  8. Well if I was a painter bb, I certainly wouldn't use Biffen's SCATtergun approach.
  9. Yeah he copped the top dollars until he actually had to earn them - then resigned with a bagful.
  10. Probably for the best Red. Biffen's tastes are, at best base and vulgar.
  11. I reckon Hogan has at least the same weaponry as Josh Kennedy who kicked 80 goals in each of the last two years. In the, admittedly few, West Coast games I saw, Kennedy wasn't taking marks on the wing or in the back line. Hogan's goal kicking potential then does depend to a great extent on the role he will be expected to play.
  12. Haven't heard much from the good Doctor of late. I suppose he's preparing for the festive season. I understand it's a very big deal in Hopping Dicks and really draws the community together. Apparently the Summer Solstice will do that. The body painting is supposed to be quite complex but I believe the good pagans of Hopping Dicks simply get a few spray cans of Dulux from the local Bunnings and go at it furiously so that they can get straight into the naked dancing. The bizarre sexual rituals that follow are supposed to be worth a look also but evidently they have considerable difficulty finding virgins for sacrifice in those parts. It is rumoured that the good Doctor's alchemic skills provides "secret herbs and spices" which makes the barbequed possum something special when washed down with a cask of Aldi red.
  13. More Gilbert and Sullivan I'd reckon. Most laywers are pirates and OD would surely be a "modern major general".
  14. Jack, I reckon the beginning of that article is most relevant to certain posters on this thread. "The Gatwick Hotel has been home for the mad, the bad, tragic chronic substance abusers and the mentally ill."
  15. Have any of you considered how long the queue for a beer will become if we crack 45 - 50 K members?
  16. IA different level indeed Earl. There is some suggestion that he had assistants.
  17. A better landing than Peter Roebuck apparently.
  18. A bit like going to Highgate Oval at Crazyburn RTG. I no longer take the Merc. When I was last there Biffen asked me to catch up with an old friend of his. "long hair, obese, plenty of tatts and a decent mo". I had to admit failure in finding Shazza though because every second sheila fitted that description
  19. Try starting the day with a jolly good flogging Ernie.
  20. Seems ordinaire to my good self. However, thank you for that information Dino. While there have been rumours of poverty in Romsey it is not something the genteel class have much to do with. Although good old Bitter does toss a few trinkets under the giving tree each year - they must go somewhere.
  21. I cannot listen to the fellow. He used to have ( may still do) a Sunday morning interview show. Had some really interesting guests but in his zeal to make a "joke" or display his "wit" he invariably stifled the opportunity to explore what his guest had to say.
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