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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Ignore him Special, he is a nasty piece of work. Consider this as Biffen's last pathetic wail. A cry from one who cannot accept that life ( like his exploited workers) has left him behind. His creditors are circling the barely warm corpse and he is reduced to drinking alcohol of a poorer variety than I use to sanitize the Lads' barn. Yet the arrogance remains - for the moment. Payback will come when Biffen knocks on the (figurative) door of your sad abode and you will offer him a bucket and squeegee to earn a share of the scraps that you and your dismal clique dine on. On the other hand Special, I respect your homeless and poor situation, and welcome you to continue your pitiable life where you are. PS Biffen. My porn highlight reels are not "sporadic" . In fact I have produced many a seamless narrative that push the barriers of artistic innovation.
  2. Sorry.I saw the title of this thread and thought it was some sort of blokey survey!
  3. Incorrect. I was wearing spandex tights with a fetching leather vest
  4. All I can see is a longer queue at the bar.
  5. BTW feel free to send mrs picket up to The Manor at any time picket
  6. Yes it worked, and for all those lucky listeners, I was the highlight of the show.
  7. The term we use is "pre loved" rather than the vulgar "second hand" picket.
  8. I don't know of the particular retailer you are referring to picket, however, there are many that offer attire for 'special' occasions. If you and Mrs. picket have any particular requirements please let me know and I'll point you in the right direction. All tastes can be catered for so don't be embarrassed by thinking that your particular peccadildos will in anyway surprise. I only charge a modest handling fee.
  9. Well Biffen if my information is correct you may be joining Special in his inner city digs. I have heard that due to the sale of the Gat your shady business empire has collapsed and you are in a state of extreme penury with creditors at the door you no longer have. Your "nail technicians" are questioning their illusory visas and former customers for "pharmaceuticals" are looking for more reliable suppliers. I have also heard (and even I find this difficult to credit) that you have been reduced to drinking a cask variety of sauv blanc purchased from the local Aldi. It seems you have reached previously unplumbed depths. PS Don't you dare come skulking around The Manor begging for alms.
  10. Agreed. Oscar doesn't look 97 kg to me but, in any event, he's a project player and worth sticking with. As to the ins - Wagner if he's fit but not certain about the other.
  11. You're certainly upwardly mobile Special. Happy to see you're doing alright for yourself.
  12. FMD! What a litany of disaster. That 148 flogging (not a jolly good flogging) by Essendon is seared into the memory. Worse than 186 IMO. So .. we put all that behind us and get some payback on Carlton come Sunday.
  13. Agreed Jones unlucky and you have to wonder what more Clarrie Chew Chew had to do to get in the starting line up. Jeez, think back to how many times over the past few years we wouldn't get anyone in that team.
  14. Now now Earl! We genteel folk must stick together against the ever increasing threat of the homeless huns at the gate. Let's forget past err... irregularities and let bygones be what they are. However, I must say that business dealings with you haven't been quite the same since you terminated the stoic Hudson in favour of the hirstute ( and acrobatic) Conchita. A point I'm sure the good Lady Hood would also agree with.
  15. Which is a habit all Melbourne supporters should be in because it usually is.
  16. I don't think Special is serious about getting a job dc, after all he knocked back a very generous offer for a traineeship from Biffen. To my muse and inspiration of course - the great man himself - The Marquis.
  17. Mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa! You are correct skinny, I am a sinful fellow. As penance, I shall [censored] myself again.
  18. Do you have a smelly cheese in that mix Ethan or is it more about tang and possibly colour?
  19. 6. Jones 5. Gawn 4. Lewis 3. Oliver 2. Hogan 1. Hannan. That was some sort of debut!!
  20. Just back at the Manor after a wonderful day at the footy as a guest of a premium Saints member. Must say they have a nice set up at Darklands. Anyway, contained myself quite well and did not get chucked out. However, I went close in the last few moments. I started chanting "Rooey's done an ACL, haha ha!!" Distasteful - yes but [censored] enjoyable!!
  21. Bloody hell dc!! That excerpt was supposed to confidential!! Still, to paraphrase the great man, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Hmm.. I wonder what the film rights could be worth? I could even get a part! Flogging myself .... perhaps.
  22. You're a resourceful fellow Special, just steal a membership card like you usually do.
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