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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Currently 3/4 pizzed as was my plan. Depending on how the game pans out, I'm only a couple of shiraz from either peaceful oblivion or joyous drunkenness
  2. Unlike Borewood softies dc, we are real men in Romsey and can handle our liquor.
  3. It's mostly allegorical of course. One of your crass ilk wouldn't understand.
  4. Mmmmmmmmmm ....... you've really set the bar very high with that gem Red. Such subtlety. I feel even dumber ............FMD!
  5. Unless I'm fuzzed already I'll be watching it ( the start at least) on Saturday..
  6. Good plan Adam and I hope it works. However unless Jack kicks around 5 and another 3-4 to Jeffy we are screwed to kick a winning score.
  7. Redpath is good honest footballer. Very underrated IMO . I'd love him at Melbourne about now.
  8. I will ensure that I am 3/4 pizzed at the commencement of the game ( not an extraordinary occurrence at that hour I'll admit) and from then on fade into gentle oblivion.
  9. Indeed that is so bb but I believe we still have enough time to get off said thin ice provided we get a favourable result in the next few events.
  10. We are not talking about a Starbuck's franchise. I believe the correct nomenclature is Grindr. Once again Biffen you display your coarse nature and lack of social etiquette.
  11. I'm waiting for the moment when Nev is left one out in a marking contest with Tex
  12. Yes he's not up to it at the moment OD. I can only assume (and I saw it mentioned elsewhere) that he is a backup in case Hogan is ill.
  13. Yes our makeshift ruck and mids have done ok at the clearances it's around the ground that we have been exposed for lack of a tall.
  14. Apart from the ruck situation, that's not a bad side. If we fail to bounce back and cop a heavy loss then it's bye bye season 2017.
  15. Well Collingwood supporters certainly are fl ogs Abe, however I must say, your mentioning Grannies in the same context as floggings is in very poor taste. One does not fl og Grannies! ( Well .. perhaps on very special occasions )
  16. Or contribute for 4 quarters. We struggle for both.
  17. Alf Brown in Friday night's Herald and Louie in The Sun on Saturday morning. Terrific stuff !! Now we've got illiterate smarmy Robbo. FMD! And FMD again!
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