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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. It seems obvious that Viney came back too early. We now have the opportunity to give him another two weeks rest. Let's use it. Collingwood will come out firing but if we can't beat them without Viney then we are not up to playing finals.
  2. Saw it the same way faulty but I reckon it was a decent "tap" And yes .. Bernie is an opportunistic sniper but .... you gotta love the fella.
  3. 6. Jones - The Captain clearly wants to play finals 5. Pedo. Outstanding in every way. 4. Hogan. Really iced it today and will give the oppo quite a bit to think about. 3. Clarrie. Especially in the second half. 2. Lewis. His nous and experience shows through. 1. Hibberd. Our AA defender.
  4. Jack Watts reported!! FMD!! Never expected to see that!
  5. Just about to leave the warm embrace of The Manor and make the trek to the 'G. Anything less than a win by 40 points will be disappointing. If I perchance bump into Moonie, I shall expect him to buy the beers. If I perchance spot Biffen, I shall hide.
  6. Nev Jetta. Would be one of the first pencilled in every selection meeting. Honest, reliable and puts in a workmanlike effort every game. And that is just what will deny him an all Aussie place. No flowing locks, no controversy - just does his job every week. Pity we haven't got a few more like him.
  7. Why are you all complaining? Makes perfect MRP sense.
  8. Now listen Ernie, I realize you're dead and I make allowances for that .... BUT ... fmd ...can't you be a little more positive? I mean ... what have you got to lose?
  9. What's going on Frogger? The last I heard you were posted to some remote outpost that relied on the telegraph. Now you're back to annoy with your alien Westralian ways.
  10. A fresh faced kid with a happy smile always adds a bit of joy to the world.
  11. If you have some prejudice against bananas R and B ether 'fess up and leave this thread or hold your piece.
  12. I post on this thread about once a fortnight. Basically I repeat myself because nothing happens to change my opinion. In fact it is reinforced. The MRP is a bowl of bullshite.
  13. I reckon he'll be back. And although I think Weid will be a player he was a [censored] passenger on the weekend.
  14. Kevin Bartlett was a master at this. He would bounce the ball just as he was being tackled and win the free for holding. I thought the rule was changed to negate this move and thus became holding the ball/ incorrect disposal.
  15. Do I recall correctly that it was Harry who had one of the original hair transplants?
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