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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Thanks for that useless little gem Moonie!
  2. Good news! He's big, athletic and played some good footy. I must say I was somewhat confounded by the number of posters who wanted to get rid of him.
  3. If that's so, I hope you treated yours in a more hygienic manner that Jane 02 !!!!!
  4. Just received my finals pamphlet in TODAY'S mail !!!!! FMD !!!!!!!
  5. A "rainbow" ...............mmmmm. Since an unfortunate incident with some females the lads have been banned from shows so they have led something of a monastic lifestyle. I suppose such situations could give rise to ....err .. ambidextrism. In a blokey and wholesome way off course.
  6. From my admittedly non expert reading of the draft it seems there will be potentially very good options at pick 10. It would have to be a very good outcome to part with it.
  7. I notice some posters are prepared to trade our first round pick. Madness I reckon.
  8. A very vulgar post dc. One does not round up alpacas. One addresses them by name and requests their attendance. BTW. Collective noun for alpacas is a herd but some of them find this offensive due to its bovine connotations.
  9. It seems this view is shared by Mr. Archer Ethan. According to today's "Rage", Archer described the judgement as "crazy" and claims he was judged on only "three per cent of the story". Poor dear.
  10. Toward the end of last year , I had dinner with a former assistant coach at Casey. He talked quite a bit about the problem of player confusion. That is, some of them found the plethora of rules, scenarios, set plays and subsequent actions all too confusing. Information overload if you like. Instinct appears to have had its day.
  11. However, Bitterness will be offered a new contract.
  12. Well Dave the best I can do is a guestimate. This year I paid my membership and purchased a shirt as usual. I also added a new Beanie. About $ 650.00. Some members would spend more, some less. Let's say $500.00 on average. Let's further say that around 2/3 of Demonlanders are members. That's 3000 in round figures. Do the maths. $500 X 3000 = 1.5 mill. So I reckon the 1.5 million kicked in by the Demonland whackos entitles us to an opinion.
  13. Not quite od. Col was always a "pre season" short of brilliance!
  14. Good effort Joe. I'd have a couple of tweaks but can't really argue. Good work on your weekly assessments also. I don't always agree but you are prepared to put it out there. Well done.
  15. I'd be more concerned with soft bellied players than "soft bellied supporters" Steve. We pay - we expect them to play.
  16. Agree Luci! Nothing on the website and Slobbo is currently on SEN - no mention.
  17. Well I blame Jack Watts. He missed a couple of set shots earlier in the year that would have made all the difference......................................
  18. Great commentator. I have very fond memories of "The Winners"
  19. Ridiculous comments on Petracca, Oliver and Pedo.
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