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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Whatever the outcome, I'm tipping the GWS cheer squad will get the [censored] beaten out of them at the end of the day!
  2. Have to say I'm a bit torn about this game. I not certain whether I'd prefer to see the toiges flogged by 20 goals today or lose the GF by a point after a controversial last kick goal.
  3. I shall set "The Society for the Protection of Fat Balding Middle Aged Men" onto you for your blatantly discriminatory post.
  4. Crickey! Demonland is becoming far too complicated for my simple soul. I don't want to think. I just want to post my smut and banal schoolboy humour and enjoy a shiraz. ( and other more exotic pleasures of course).
  5. I don't usually view this section of Dland but I'm glad I read this thread. I feel so much better! I thought with my tinea and sexual perversions I was a [censored] up individual. Jaysus! I might be "normal"!
  6. Maybe we'll get Stuie back and some steak knives.
  7. One thing's for certain. If Jack does go, I'll be able to fit the full Dland home page on my I-phone 5. With space to spare!
  8. Jizza and I regularly pm'd. He was quite open about his battles with depression and how Dland provided a welcome and helpful escape. Very sad situation and I suppose, a warning to all of the insidious nature of the black dog.
  9. Send a box to The Manor od and I'll give you an ill considered opinion.
  10. Looking in the pond didn't do Narcissus a lot of good Ernie.
  11. I rarely post on this thread or draft threads because I know jack [censored] about such matters. However, if I wanted to post, I would just makes some [censored] up - it would be as useful as most of the stuff I read.
  12. His reputation went south after he attempted to do Superman in with kryptonite.
  13. I can't condemn the fellow dc. It's a pheromonal environment. Sweat, spandex - anything can happen - even misunderstandings. I mean .. I've been there ... enough said.
  14. You make valid points Biffen. I shall have to re-examine myself.
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