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Posts posted by satyricon

  1. What a lot of twaddle some people are writing, this is a leadership group at a footy club, not leading anyone into war, or running a business if they get it wrong nobody dies or goes broke

    It is a group for all players to strive to be part of, as the group supposedly contains, as another poster has stated, exemplary professional footy players, who go about being a footy player in the right way

    It is leadership by example, and it can be a sounding board for young players, somebody who is a peer you can ask questions of


    • Like 2
  2. casey fields seems blighted by bad weather. wind affecting play, bad drainage etc

    i thought it was supposed to be a sporting show piece

    is anything being done about these things.......planting wind breaks, improving drainage etc?

    To provide a proper wind break for Casey I think it would have to be about 1KM and about 150KM in circumfrence....it is flat as a tack down there...

    • Like 1
  3. I don't want to put a dampener on things about Rodan but this is a bloke who has failed to establish himself at two clubs and whilst he may be in our first picked midfield he wouldn't be in many in the AFL.

    Davey is in the last year of his contract and when that last occurred he won the best and fairest. If he's capable he'll have a good year.

    Gee Rodan a guy who has played 170 odd games and couldn't establish himself

    When Davey won the best and fairest it was the last time he was injury free

    You didn't dampen for me, I laughed

    • Like 8
  4. Does anybody recall the bloke that got up and had a fairly aggressive rant at last years AGM? He completely lost composure as he started getting extremely passionate ( can't blame him for that ). But he was questioning the culture and had very valid points it was just the way he asked (yelled) that they gave us donuts. I suspect that bloke is a Demonlander .... I urge him to get up again but be a little more calculated in your approach. I personally expect more form mark neeld this year ..... I know he only did what he had to last year and did not give one single promise. Two pre seasons in he now owes us supporters a little more honesty about the list re shape I believe. Thoughts ?.

    What do you want Neeld to say, are you going to be there yourself? Ask yourself

    I thought the rant wasn't even a question, he was quoting the myth that is culture......if asked in a polite manner.......Neeld will say "I am building a team that will win a premiership"......that's all I want to hear, but I know that anyway so no need to ask

    Everything else is either in the past and is being dealt with or not important as it doesn't impact on the players who will take the field.

    Thc Club is going forward jump on board it's going to be great

    As for the guy who got up, I may have a case of mistaken identity and I apologise if I do, but I thought he was the same guy who spent 30 minutes berating Todd Viney in Darwin (he was stand in coach at the time) about everyting that was wrong with the Club......and this was a 'supporters' function

  5. Great report.......as for Davey and Jetta, it is amazing what an injury free and full pre season can do for you....

    as for the guys missing....had a chat with Nev Jetta early on about this.....he said everybody is on a specific program.....if guys in the past have had issues with certain injuries etc the program allows for days off, gym days, etc etc..to make sure their body is 'treated' correctly....

    .and they are encouraged to report even the slightest niggle...maybe why Nicho was just walking laps

    I am so pleased it looks like we only have 3 who are not in full training, off days included

    • Like 1
  6. WJ best of luck, the only way for a person to learn is to be deprived of something they enjoy, so banning recidivists is your only option to retain some sense of order. It has happened to me once and I thoroughly deserved it, had no problem with it at all and learnt my lesson from it.

    I know they can 'reappear' but most can recognise their 'style' and act

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  7. I think this is part of the AFL program for young footy players during the school holidays, MFC had a couple last year as well. give them a taste

    Given our links with the Geelong region not surprised we have a Falcons player

    And Jack Viney probably knows Billings from the Oakleigh Chargers

  8. Its not the missing targets that frustrates me the most about Joel Mac. Its his over zealous tackles that seem to always land high. His mate Bail suffers from a similar problem. Hopefully the preseason tackling coaching helps in this area.

    I wont write him off though, a years a long time in footy, and with the right attitude there is no reason tha he cant continue to improve aspects of his game.

    And we perpetuate another myth, how many weeks has Joel missed, suspended for high tackles?, same with Bail.......I am with VAGG on Joel Mac

  9. Your heads that deep in the sand you cant breathe.Theres supporters from 5 other clubs are laughing at us.

    As I said you must be very thin skinned......I don't really care what other supporters/people think, only what I do, but you are entitled to not announce publicly that you are an MFC supporter, my desk in work is covered in Red and Blue but nobody says anything coz they know I don't care...

    edited because my spellin and grammor seem to be getting wurs

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  10. What about whats happening now, you know the good news in the papers everyday, the glowing endorsements from the Age and Sun, you would have to be a twit to think this clubs running smoothly, were the laughing stock of Victoria, and the buck stops with the CEO who im tipping wont have a job in 3 months time.
    Laughing stock?....gee you take the footy seriously don't you......you must be very thin skinned.....

    The club is running smoothly, memberships out on time, website updated with new stories each day, sponsors locked and loaded for 2013, only 3 still on restricted training, AGM and Family Day organised......................beat ups in the newspapers everyday, got a Bookmaker to make a comment today in the AGE, now there is a person with no vested interests

    I think there are supporters from at least another 5 clubs hoping that we don't take the lid of the can of worms that is 'tanking' completely

    • Like 3
  11. This topic has still got legs


    MFC is a footy club

    The players are having a good pre season

    The coach has a plan

    We made a profit last year

    2013 is a new season

    What is left to ask, notice the questions that are going to be asked have dried up, as they do at the AGM, no keyboard to hide behind

    And as far as I can recollect been to the microphone 3 times myself in the last couple of years, not to raise a question but to thank the Club

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  12. VFL alignment is an excellent question - not that they are likely to say anything

    In terms of facilities, I'd like to know how we propose to deal with the need for closed sessions during the season moving forward. The separation of admin from the football dept isn't necessarily a bad thing!

    I reckon you'd get some cheers from the floor if you asked that one

    Fair question which they shouldn't try to avoid

    VFL alignment.....answer...MFC are trying to build their supporter base in the South East, Casey will stay in the forseeable future

    Closed sessions.....there are lots of other facilities available in Melbourne for 'closed' sessions, if it is 'CLOSED' obviously we won't advertise where it is

    Opel built war machinery for the Nazis....so we don't want them as a sponsor?.....grow up

  13. Here is a bright idea ........If you are going to ask a question, let's be different and ask about the future, why must we continually look backwards, the Club is moving forward so should the supporters........hair shirt wearers excepted of course.....continually raking over old coals does nothing, achieves nothing, means nothing.........if you think the Club hasn't learnt from past mistakes.........I sit at the AGM waiting for the past to rear it's head........hopefully the Club will only look forward.......we survived last year and made a small profit...2012 is over roll on 2013..............

    • Like 5
  14. Jetta looks good too, improved. Skills, fitness/endurance have all clearly improved he looks like he will be able run out a quarter of footy let alone a full game this year. Really looking to see more run and carry out of the whole backline this season.

    He is training in the back line group, will be tough for spots in that group.

    Nev Jetta is close to finishing his first FULL preseason, he has always had the skills but his miserable run with injury kept killing his fitness...we saw a couple of glimpses late last season what he can do

    ..I spoke to him a couple of trainings ago....this is what the training staff want from him...... bringing it out of the backline but also his toughness and tackling and evasive skills in traffic, helping extricate the ball from congestion.......

    ...made a joke of being the perfect sub because when fit he can play a variety of positions....if that got him a regular game then he would take it........I made a joke about him cleaning up Nicho in one session I saw (his main opposition for the small defender)...said 'he needed to do it"....

    If he can get through the rest of the preseaon and the NAB cup he is my smoky for the coming season....and yes biased, nr 39 on my jumper...been there since I chatted to him after praccy game at Casey when he first arrived

    • Like 3
  15. Thanks Jose.

    If you get off at Richmond, when you walk down from the platforms turn left at the bottom then when you come out of the tunnel turn left again there is a bike shop along the street on the right with a coffee shop attached, makes the best coffee in the area, you then go under the railway bridge on Hoddle to get to Goschs which is diagonally opposite across the lights and intersection when you come out from under the bridge

  16. So what..go hold hands with Ben.

    That they got off doesn't diminish the stupidity.

    Club has bigger fish to fry currently.

    What stupidity, being in a photo and looking like guys in their early 20's having a laugh and a good time.....the stupidity is people believing what was written......unless you are a person who was sat next to them at the G you have no idea what occurred......this is over and the Club has handled it
  17. Odd a presser is called for such matters.

    Designed to change the content of the news feeds.

    Interesting tactic.

    Got it in one WYL, we seem to be adopting the best form of defence is attack, I am personally sick of all the crap 'reporting', the Boxing Day 'incident' being a prime example.....good on the Club again

  18. To get back on topic, and to stop the hair shirting again, any chance we can look fwd in 2013

    Been to training quite a few times, the Russian is looking the best I have seen him for a couple of years, he knows he has competition now, he is moving realy well in the full ground drills I have watched

    Forget the concerns about Spencer, if Jamar is not playing well, Neeld will bring Spencer in without hesitation, he proved last year he could handle it and he has had a really good preseason up to now as well, read the reports

    The Russian will have a 'stronger' midfield group around him as well

  19. Gee BH, you don't like anybody disagreeing with you do you?

    I am allowed to have my own opinion, same as you, if you don't agree fine....I don't agree with yours but you are allowed it

    Jetta has speed and is a good kick, his work ethic has improved out of sight, he now gets himself free to utilise the speed and the kicking ability

    Ben McGlynn was kicking goals as well, until he got injured, this helped Jetta as well as he was another dangerous player for opposition to worry about.

    For me if I was picking a team and I had Swans players to pick from it would be Goodes, Jack, Kennedy and then the rest

  20. I disagree, it is the engine room that gives players like Jetta the chance to shine.......he utilised his main asset, speed, once he was freed up on the outside.......he also bought in to the work ethic that Jack and Hannebery have.....that's how he found himself free so often....this was noted during last pre season, the season before he went missing too much.......I am hoping that we can create the space for Blease, Byrnes, Toumpas and eventually Barry to operate in....listening in at training Blease especially is getting hammered to work and work and create the space

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