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digby wolf

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Posts posted by digby wolf

  1. This weekend we want all Melbourne supporters to wear their guernsey to the game.

    Whether your footy jumper is brand new or a collector’s item, we want to see the stands packed with red and blue.

    Every customer who purchases a guernsey from the Melbourne Megastore on the day will receive a free player badge.


    I don't know about wearing a guernsey, last time I wore mine I was called a ' sad old man ' by one of the those foxy young at heart cougars up at the Redlegs.

  2. So far, we've heard "Ride of the Valkyries" and assorted themes from Star Wars...

    What will the trumpeter play at our next home match - vs Richmond, Sunday August 8th? What would you like to hear him play?

    I think he blows his own trumpet far to much. But seriously I think that old school sort of thing actually gives people like the 'silly old fart a beens' more stereotypical behaviour to beat us with. Being a Marxist i'd like him to take off his cravat and don a pair of overalls and play my favourite tune the internationale.

  3. I can't imagine this is a result of the polling the AFL did of fans to see what we wanted. I just cannot imagine there was any support for Monday night football, but I can imagine Saturday afternoon football being a popular timeslot.

    It's not like the AFL is going broke. For mine, it's well within its rights to schedule matches whenever it wants, but this might be a terrible move and I certainly don't want us to be playing lots of Monday night football.

    FWIW, I don't think it will catch on. Even though I'm sure it'll be populated by bigger clubs, which will mean the TV ratings are high, the novelty will wear off sooner or later and the clubs will begin to complain about having no one at the ground and more 6 day breaks.

    3.10 on a Saturday stinks.

    Are you kidding ? The AFL don't care what the fans think, they care what the corpoRATs think and after them the TV moguls. They know quiet well that the fans will follow football wherever they take it because most fans live in the past when football was about the community. Lets face it we are the suckers they take us for.

  4. Um, Deanox the 49ers makes NO sense for an Australian team due to its historical relevance! San Fran are named the 49ers due to the gold rush in San Fran during 1849. Naming the gold coast 49ers is just plain stupid, and goes against the entire argument. The "Suns" is just as kitschy add on to a city, with no historical reference to anyone who uses it. It is up for grabs for anyone who wants to use it, and anyone who has a problem with this need to get of the "anti usa" soap box and accept that it works fantastically for a gold coast team.

    'Suns' is not American FFS!!!

    You prove the point wrathchild you probably know more american history ( especially sport ) than any other country in the world. The reason of course is that they own most of our TV coverage and have done so since the 1950s. Ok we have Murdoch but last time I looked he became a yank so he could buy in there. And dude if you don't think we are americanised listen to an aussie crowd when they appreciate something whooping like they've got something stuck up their collective clackers... need I say it, just like in the movies.

  5. Maybe you could put forward a better suggestion for GC.

    Well, kerrydixon ?

    Ok then the ' GCAFO ' Gold Coast Afl Franchise Outlet . Maybe McDonalds colours with the McDonalds clown as a mascot. I'm sure McDonalds wouldn't mind there're nearly as commercial as our AFL. The supporters of this pretend football club could dress up as McDonalds clowns on match days. ' Go clowns 'could be heard all over the Gold Coast.

    It's not as ridiculous as it sounds. Us dumb Victorians accepted the AFL and gave away our football league with barely a whimper. We now watch advertisements after goals are kicked in Perth or Adelaide. We don't miss going to the footy like we used to every second week because we have all these products to buy at bunnings et al etc.

  6. There's a rumour that the new franchise in Queensland will be called the the Gold Coast Suns. Can we possibly become more americanised in this country ? Are we so culturally stupid that we can't think of our own nicknames. It's nearly as ridiculous as the North Queensland 'Cowboys', or up in Ned Kelly country Albury Wodonga calling your local basketball team the Border ' Bandits ' when Bushrangers would be the obvious choice. How dumb and obsequious can we get?

    We probably need an Australian football heritage commission that advises teams on the history of the game which is an integral part of our history not the history of the united states.

  7. Today I was at the 'G with 49,200 others watching the Dees v Dons in a match that was always going to be an open and attacking affair.

    There I was with my old man up on the 2nd level in Section B28 or something right on the 50m arc of the city end (opposite side to the interchange benches).

    Free kicks. Yep... Essendon supporters all around me were spewing and yelling and almost throwing themselves over the railing... and one copped some seagull rear end "goodness".

    Now to the crux of things... 50m penalties were given to the Dees on about 6 occasions at this point and I stood up and clapped every one of them yelling, "you can't do that Essendon...! Any day of the week".

    Now... what began to urk me was that every time an Essendon player took a mark and was TOUCHED afterward by a Dee, Dons fans would yell blue murder for a 50m penalty!! Many angry pills perhaps?

    It got to the end of the 3rd quarter and Green took a mark and was pushed over and I shouted out (a bit tongue in cheek), "50...!".

    An Essendon supporter next to me said "Oh shuttup!". As an honest Dees man I responded with, "Excuse me?".

    He then said, "you're an idiot".

    "Why am I an idiot?" says I.

    "That was never a 50m penalty and you're yelling out for one!"

    I reply, "It's exactly what the Essendon supporters have been yelling out all afternoon just for the sake of it!"

    His response: "You're an idiot. I don't even want to start a conversation with you."

    Me: "Fair enough! You don't like it when you lose do ya?"

    So the siren goes and qtr 3 is done. The 4th quarter commences and it's not long until... guess what...? Bate takes a grab 5m out next to the goal square and then gets a.... "definite" 50m penalty.

    To the [censored] next to me says I, "50m yeh??? GO BATER!!!"

    And there ends my story for the day. Was a great win to stick it up them Bummers.

    But really... am I an "idiot"??

    And a MASSIVE lol to the Essendon guy in front who was poooped on *snigger*

    I've often said an essendon supporter is just a collingwood supporter... minus a sense of humour.

  8. Let's look at the positives.

    For one she is a REAL AFL follower, not a phony NSW/QLD resident who pretends to follow a team because they have to, and wouldn't know the difference between Barry Hall and Buddy Franklin.

    Secondly, she is a Doggies supporter so she'd be all for giving extra funding to struggling clubs who haven't won a flag in decades.

    And finally, and here is the big one, she does not barrack for either Carlton or Collingwood, because the one people less trustworthy than politicians, are Carlton/Collingwood supporters.

    And it could be even worse than that she could be a crows or power supporter after all she comes from Adelaide. But like a lot of people with Labour party affiliations when they arrive in this state they automatically think they have to barrack for a so called working class team such as the Bullies or Collingwood not realising that the latter of the two is actually lumpen proletariat and full of criminals, racists and other declassed elements.

  9. Great Game from the Big Russian. Geez he was knackered & Devastated during the Post Match Interview.

    I like seeing Blokes Bleeding for the Jumper. It means they really want to get better at the Game & as a team.

    I read his attitude as being p**ssed off that we didn't win that game rather than being just knackered.

  10. ...but what the hell is going on over at demonology.

    Now I have no idea whether there is a rivalry between the two forums, and I'm sure many of you read and write in both, but there must be something in the water over there.

    The site looks to lack VITAL features, for example, the ability to sign up new members. It looks like it hasn't been updated aesthetically in more than 2 years (still features info about rounds 1 and 2 of the 2008 season) and has a few bugs in the system.

    Throw into the mix in-fighting amongst posters, with mods deleting threads for apparently no reason, and people cancelling their memberships, as they can't handle the stagnant, repetitive discussion anymore.

    Personally, I think two forums is a good idea. Choice for the consumer is always a good thing. However, with new members not being able to sign up and join in the banter (including myself), and with people leaving the forum, surely the signs aren't great for demonology.

    Then again, I could be way off the mark.

  11. In the wake of some big names comming across to AFL who would you take and why from other codes.

    Let's pretend we dont have money issues either.

    John Terry... Chelsea legend and pantsman. Also not a bad defender.

  12. I live down here in Geelong and find the opposite. I talk to lots of people in my job on a daily basis and most Geelong people are very gracious about their footy club. Ok the Addy can be over the top but don't forget it's owned by murdoch so there's nothing surprising there. I had the pleasure of meeting Mark Thompson a couple of times as well and unlike someone like Kevin Sheedy he's a complete gentleman. Not an ounce of arrogance.

    If I ever do meet any Geelong supporters that have a poke at the Demons I remind them how many flags we've won. And I congratulate them for catching up to Fitzroy in premierships. That shuts them up straight away.

  13. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/if-you-think-the-tigers-or-dees-are-close-to-a-flag-youre-dreaming/story-e6frf9ox-1225855008213

    I hate this old fool more and more every day, can't wait to smash GWS in a few years time.

    Talks up a Richmond Melbourne merger in 2-5 years. Why Kevin, because we both rejected you?

    The only concrete evidence he gives of a failure in recruiting is taking Watts over Nicnat and a vague reference to drafting too many mids. I can't find one other reason, in this peice of absolute drivel, for us to merge.

    I've always said ( for what it's worth ) that Sheedy would be a nobody now if all those years ago he'd had the guts to coach Footerscray or Fitzroy. And wouldn't that be nice no Kevin Sheedy in the Hun every second day.

  14. Give Rudeboy a break and have some patience mate, its the Clubs business to evaluate and announce these kinds of things when they are clear and whatever the prognosis may be.

    They obviously work through all of that in the Clubs and Liams best interests.

    I agree we should be waiting for the club to give us the details.

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