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Everything posted by green_machine

  1. There is a big misconception regarding how this will play out. Choices are pretty basic 1) Let the pandemic play out- overload hospital systems. Mortality rate of at least 2.5 percent (Vs 1 percent with healthcare) this will take 3 to 4 months 2) contain eradicate until there is a vaccine. Basically massive lockdown that might get rid of it (China style) or more likely extensive Italy style lockdown for months and months and months. I reckon 18 months till vaccine. Either way football is gone for this season even if teams don't realise it
  2. I think an AFL player will get the virus within 2 weeks and round3 onwards will be canceled But canceling crowds helps the smaller vic clubs and the ****ty expansion clubs
  3. Italy went from 20 confirmed cases to 233 dead in fifteen days. 16 million people are now in heavy quarantine. This virus is worse than anything since small pox and possibly worse than the spanish flu. Australia is not doing enough now and we will end up like Italy with mass hard quarantines
  4. We are in the premiership window. Losing Hogan is bad. Hogan is better than lever and Melbourne was in a much better position than adalaide (contracted vs uncontracted) I think minimum is neale compensation, plus their first and brayshaw with seconds going back the other way. Trading is "player worth" plus what the team can pay. Hogan is worth more than picks 4 and 5 and freo can pay if they want him. For those arguing differently one year of hogan may be the difference between a premership or not. And if he stays for one year he could stsay for more. Anyway i hope we keep him
  5. You are all wrong about ANB. He has the capacity to be elite. He is only 22 improving every year. More importantly he has elite vision. He has the ability to spot the short option. Currently his execution lets him down but he will tidy that up and become elite assist player
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