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Adam The God

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Everything posted by Adam The God

  1. Yeah, I don't think we should pay any of our players until we've won a premiership.
  2. Yes, you're very intellectual. Thank goodness we have you, Doc.
  3. That's great analysis and I wholeheartedly agree with it. Noice. ?
  4. No one is a lock after 6 games in a 22 game season. Still a long way to go, but Jake has been outstanding, as has our entire defensive unit.
  5. His workrate as an old school KPF was great, but his work at ground level was ordinary. I wouldn't be selecting him on that performance, unless we have injuries.
  6. From now on whatever @Pickett2Jackson says, we'll know the opposite will happen. So no positivity, thank you.
  7. Agreed. Same with Tom in current form. He's agile enough to get the ball on the ground and lay tackles to lock the ball in.
  8. You're not the only one that looks like a goose in this thread, but you do seem to enjoy playing the role generally.
  9. @Rod Grinter Riot Squad what makes you so sure this isn't a strategic leak from the club? If it becomes public knowledge, it does put some pressure on Christian to sign. If that's the case, I'm not sure it's the greatest strategy, but I don't think we have enough information to know whether it's necessarily bad that there's been a leak.
  10. This is neoliberalisms con. It hollows out our own domestic jobs market and certainly doesn't give consumers a better price. Telstra is a perfect example. Astronomical prices for basic serviced and few Australian jobs when its infrastructure was built by public money.
  11. Yeah, it's interesting, because Yellen is a neoliberal deficit hawk, but he's clearly getting some advice from elsewhere that is nudging him away from neoclassical economics (New and Old Keynesian). If you look at their foreign policy though, if more people understood much of what neoliberalism entails, they'd be far more anti US than they are. Biden, along with Clinton and Obama, are big neoliberals when it comes to foreign policies. You watch them destabilise Venezuela. They've literally been meddling there since the late 90s, if not earlier. They've already destabilised Ecuador. They do it to get American business in there, and they use their influence within the IMF, WTO and the World Bank to set the financial agenda. That's why most of the Latin American countries are pegged to the USD, which always leaves them open to balance of payment crises and without their monetary sovereignty, they are at the whims of the US, particularly as they've adopted the USD.
  12. Did you happen to watch the Richmond game? Max, LJ and TMac seemed to go alright in the rain...
  13. It's quite a bit taller than West Coast's: Tmac (194cm), LJ (199cm) and BBB (200cm) vs Kennedy (194cm), Darling (191cm) and Allen (194cm)
  14. Friday night's contest will be fascinating. Richmond need to win, otherwise risk going 3-4. I think the Bulldogs are overrated. Their draw has been softer than ours. But Richmond are now missing Martin and Prestia from their midfield. I'd be tipping the Bulldogs, although Tim English out for them is big, with one less mid rotation with Dunkley out.
  15. You're looking pretty banged up there, Steve. How'd the lockdown treat you? As for Howe, his comments around empty stadiums because he played at Melbourne should always render him a dog in our eyes. Culturally, you can't have someone publicly [censored] on the club, let alone leave when the going got tough, and then take him back. Besides, we couldn't fit him in our current backline. His intercepting attributes are covered by Lever and May.
  16. Jeez, Rivers is a good, calm ball user. I think he's started slowly this year, but this was definitely his best game for the year. He's a cracker. Thank you, Jason Taylor.
  17. I'm perfectly happy with how we're going and enjoying the ride. I'm not enjoying the patronisation by a muppet whose team has had a much softer draw than us, but has none of the patronisation coming their way, only hype. If he'd said it once, I'd have thought, yeah, righto, gronk, burt he says it three times in the space of 5 minutes. Excessive.
  18. Currently watching the replay again and this gave me the [censored] listening on first replay, but we're not even 10 or 15 minutes in yet and Luke [censored] Darcy has patronisingly said basically the same thing three times; that this is a step up in class to what Melbourne have been used to. Well, Darcy, you absolute thick gronk, who have your mob beaten? i bet you he wouldn't be saying that repeatedly if you were commentating this Friday night and when your Bulldogs are involved. You can pretty much hear him hoping we get pummelled early on. He was a lowlife as a player and he's a bloody ordinary commentator, with all the insight and analytical clout of a bag of bricks.
  19. This brings tears to the eyes. What a brilliant photo.
  20. What about every reality TV show ever made in this country?
  21. I've always felt midfields win flags, but I'm beginning to reevaluate this position. I think the modern game has become so systems based that all three areas of the ground are as important to the greater picture as each other. For example, our game style would be far less effective and our defence would be nowhere as measly if it weren't for our forward pressure.
  22. Haha, I was laughing my head off at this. WTF sort of question is that? Seriously, he is a blithering [censored].
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