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Posts posted by Toot182

  1. I am an employee of The University of Melbourne at the Sport Department here.

    I can't go into too much detail, but there have been official meetings between the club and the University. These have mainly been around research and an education partnership for players and administration (like the Uni has with the Melbourne Rebels) - as far as I'm aware there's never been any proposal or thought broached about moving the club here and building a facility, which would obviously be a huge investment. I don't know who thought of 'the move' but it definitely hasn't been on the agenda.

    Someone making a mountain out of a molehill I think. I just can't see it happening.

    • Like 7
  2. Sat about 3 rows behind the group without knowing what was going on. My housemate who tagged along to the game (a neutral supporter) commented on the groups visibility in the crowd.

    Interesting to finally find out what it was supporting - I like it.

    Keep up the good work.


  3. no, my young friend, it's not the "big carl", that's the trophy we play for against the sainters, named after carl ditterich, who played for both clubs (in your defence, probably before you were born)...

    we play against talkingcarlton for the "Duke", named after Earl Spalding, who (you guessed it) played for both clubs...

    Sorry for the oversight Rollo - clearly too long out of the game.

    Anyway, I know you've just said that we might be OK for numbers but I also have a mate who is new to Melbourne and is very keen to come down for a run. His name is Hans (as in Hans from the mighty ducks, quack quack - although I don't think he looks like him)

    Anyway, looking forward to the updates and having a run around in the red and blue again!!

  4. It's been so long since I logged on here I'd forgotten my password! I'm back and I'm in for the game! I really missed not playing the last one and this one is definitely for a good cause :) Looking forward to the challenge to win the Big Karl Cup (that's right isn't it?)

    Anyone thought of making it a facebook event via the Demonology/Demonland page or do we not want that sort of public promotion?

  5. I didnt see the flags.

    Sorry if there was confusion, they weren't actual flags. Just signs with the Year won in White on a background of the Red V with Blue.

    Did you mean 'flags' that wave in the wind literally or 'flags' as in we've won 12 flags?

  6. Whist I haven't sat in my seat in the Southern Stand much this year that was the first time that I'd noticed the signage pointed out in these posts and love them.

    The 'Masters of the MCG' is slightly arrogant but I still like it!

    Also love the NBA-styled signs for every year we'd won a premiership - they hang their banners in the rafters of the stadia, obviously we can't do this but I thought that was great :) Left one blank at the end for the next one too...!

  7. (B) He falls over far too easily (Morton even keeps his feet better)

    I heard Doc Larkins on Triple M yesterday say after he'd fallen over a couple of times: "Watts wears a very low-profile moulded boot which is probably be the reason why he slips over" - I noticed this a couple of times when he tried to change direction quickly.

    In my experience this means that his feet might be a bit soft/not used to running in harder boots. I have the same problem when I play sport and because the metal studs actually hurt my feet when I run on them too much, I can't use them.

    The only problem is do you mean 'keep his feet in contests?' That will surely come with upper body/core strength?

  8. I was at the rugby over at AAMI Park until I RAN into the 'G at the 10 minute mark of the last quarter (got laughed at by the bloke on the gate when my m-ship card actually scanned in because they were turing blokes away from the gate without entry - literally a 'where have you been sort of thing' {bugger off mate! love my Dees}). So not sure my attendance would've been offically recorded as it was the first thing i saw on the screen as i walked into the ground. Re-count? HAHA. But seriously, v-good crowd considering the crappy weather!

  9. Will be very interested to see opinions fly on this...

    Snippets from the article

    THE AFL will launch a revolutionary NAB Cup pre-season format for next season - Twenty20 football.

    Round one of the NAB Cup will see six three-team groups play the "lightning round'' - a mini lightning premiership between themselves in three matches, each of two 20-minute halves, at the same venue, one after the other.

    For example: Team A will play team B in game one. The winner will meet team C in game two immediately following and then the lose of game one plays team C in the third match.

    Full article can be found here: NAB Cup to take 'Twenty20 format'

    I think it's exciting... will be interesting to see what sort of crowd mixes we get turn out to the first round! 3 sets of fans! Fans cheering for percentage wins etc...

  10. If you live in Melbourne you should have no excuse not to go, so it's irrelevant.

    Hear Hear! And, it does say in your profile that you live in Melbourne... come down! Not only do we need to increase our crowd levels at games like this, so we can show the AFL that we deserve them, we need all the support we can get at games like this!

  11. This is brilliant news. :) I probably would have cried if these two boys took the money and ran. These two are going to be two that need to be at the top of their game when we're having a genuine crack at finals.

  12. Wow. Almost everyone deserves votes today. Absoulte corker of a performance.

    6. McDonald

    5. Sylvia

    4. Moloney

    3. Bail

    2. Jamar

    1. Scully

    I thought Trengove and Scully both had their best games. Still a few small erros but these boys are gunna be brilliant for our fine club and I want to boof 'em both.

    Nate Jones and Brad Green both stiff today. Probably one of Nate's best games.

  13. Yeah, the Boosh was mentioned, and just as well because it is a-may-zing! (This is an outrage!) I think The IT Crowd is a belter too (previously mentioned), some of the same guys from Boosh. Black Books was awesome in its day, got me on to Bill Bailey's brilliance. I also thoroughly enjoyed Coupling and the old skit show Big Train.

    Peep Show is on ABC, even at the moment I think. I've caught a couple of episodes and didn't mind it. I'm pretty sure i've seen it pop up on iView as well.

  14. I thought what showed today from him was his second efforts and his persistence. After a few problems in previous games drops his head, but I really hope that today's game gives him some confidence and he can play a good game again next week and improve his consistency.

  15. Spoke to him last wednesday. Back is fine. His quad is recovering well. Only a slight strain. Could play this week but more likely next week for a half.

    Do we even have a game next week? I thought this was the last prac-match? Or are you talking Scorps? Man, if he's only playing half for Scorps we won't see him for a few rounds...

  16. This was done to death when the Jordy McMahon board was around - it's all hypotheticals but FWIW, Scully. Despite what DB said about someone having to be read out 'first. I'm a firm believer that if we had only had one pick, it goes with saying, he got his name read out 'first' for a reason.

    Overall, i do not give a toss. I love them both already.

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