Yeah right. Like we all get a choice in this. If you have a taste of alcohol or a drug and you think it is the
greatest thing that ever happened to you - like Ben Cousins did - then there isn't much you're going to be able to do about
it at the time. No, I mean like really feeling ultra alive and so real and like "Why wouldn't anyone ever want this all the time?" and try to have it when you can? Many people don't have enough 'substratum ' (I made that up but you work it out) to find anything within themselves to counteract that drive for this incredible pleasure that life is now offering them through this drug.Why do think family are always so flumoxed?
Sometimes, though, only sometimes, after hitting rock bottom, probably many times, something comes along and sinks in with a few people like this
that they have another chance - and they take it - but that is fairly rare.
Benny will have to run out his life as the rest of us probably always knew he had to.
And as someone alluded to above - all our ( conditioned) judgements don't amount to a hill of beans - as the guy said. This is not Sunday School where we
weep about his family.