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Posts posted by hoopla

  1. Actually we did not vote them back in at all. If there is no other challengers then no vote is held. Ample of opportunity to assess.

    I'll move on from here. I'll let you work out the logic

    I knew you'd say that Rhino! I just wanted to make the point that the directors were/are accountable .... and that it was open to the members to stand against them if they wished to do. One way or another we have just appointed them for the next three years - and that is where we should be expecting them to focus.(Sorry... I'll move on now!)

    Actually Old, they call it the welcome to the real world gambit these days because in the real world, football clubs don't preoccupy themselves at AGM's with wrist slashing about past mistakes in front of their stakeholders, their coaches, playing group and staff members when they're on the threshold of a new season, especially when the fruits of six months of obvious hard endeavour to rectify those mistakes is on show in front of those who bothered to turn up.

    ...............Likewise, there was no sinister cover up on the night of the fact that we were disappointing in 2011 and it was admitted that mistakes were made but the message was about the future and our bid to become a strong club and a power in the competition.

    Surely, that's how it should be?

    Yes.... that is exactly how it should be!

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  2. You dont understand accountability. Its not a matter of just tossing the incumbents. How can you logically and vaidly assess performance if there is no clarity of what actually took place aside from what is leaked or published in the Press. Surely members deserve better than being treated like mushrooms.....

    Of course it is not a matter of just tossing out the incumbents ..... they had already resigned.We voted them back into office !!.

    It's not particularly logical to vote first and assess later.

  3. think Fan's last post nails it why the members deserve accountability.

    4 of the directors resigned and stood for re-election. Anyone unhappy with their perforamnce had the right to stand against them.You can't have greater accountability than that.

  4. As a paid up member of both the MFC & MCC i would have preferred McClardy to address 186 head on for 10 minutes and then answer some questions. Then say "that's it." To refuse to discuss it i have to quietly disagree. It is a moment in our history that does need some discussion between members and the club, so at least we are all on the same page, even if we do not all like it.

    Having said that I had no problem with last night, there is one uncertainty surrounding 186 that is relevant going forward ... and that I would have liked Don to clarify.

    Someone asked me this morning - "Was anything said about Cameron Schwab's position?"" Is he still under a short-term contract that expires at the end of this season?". The press reported last year that he was on very thin ice.

    It can be inferred from last night that everything flows out of CS's red and blueprint - and that he is integral to our long-term plans. It might help erase any remaining suspicions about our off-field unity - and kill of any media mischief - if the Board came straight out and said that.

  5. It's good there was no song and dance, just a clear message that we've now got everything in place, made the necessary changes, got who we think are the right people on board, and everything now comes down to hard work. No false hope, no timelines, just we're going to go hard.

    Yes. Positive yet realistic.

    Questions over the last 4 years and in particular the past 12 months should be definitely answerable and members have every right to raise those questions. If McLardy was refusing to address issues of the past 12 months during question time then that is disappointing and disturbing.

    He didn't categorically refuse to ask questions about last year - he discouraged questions that would just rake over old ground. Clearly he didn't intend to answer questions like " Why didn't you let DB see out the season?" and "Why was he sacked over the phone?" and "Why did you approach Brad Green just before the Geelong game?" etc etc. There was nothing to gained by going to through issues with last years football department. A new department is now in place with a new Football Director - and as Chairman he was bound to make that point. Nothing disturbing about that,He said several times he was happy to talk with anybody about anything.

  6. I agree toptally that this AGM was the flatest, most dullest AGM I can remember as a member for many years.My father thought it was actually pathetic. Mark Neeld's presentation was the worst speech or personal introduction we had ever heard.He was not prepared,could not sell himself,just pathetic. Needs to able to sell himself better than this, if he is ever going to sell himself to future members. Did not give us any feeling of future success. A shambles.

    I can't agree with this.

    AGMs are not supposed to be entertaining. Take me to a long colourful AGM full of argument, debate, requests for information etc - and I'll show you a fragmented organisation with a divided membership.It was precisely because it was a short positive AGM that I thought it was probably the most encouraging I have been too.

    Traditionally coaches have not spoken at AGM's. Often AGM's are held when the players are on leave. Neeld was asked to be brief - so that the players could get home for dinner and bed. I'm glad he didn't keep them sitting there so that he could preach to the converted. Whether or not we come to love Neeld depends on our on-field performance. I'm pleased that he, at least, realises that!

    Jim's departure did introduce an edge of sadness into the night - but the fact that it was a just routine AGM was very much a plus

    • Like 2
  7. That is positive, although i would believe facebook is an indication of our younger supporters, (no offence to anyone) and as we have such a traditionally older membership this seems to be backed up with the facebook figures....

    ..Just really thought it pointed at us having the older generation, who support us well now, will we be able to fill out a stadium in 20 years? ect

    This is a fundamental point.

    There is no doubt that we have age profile of our membership base is heavily skewed to those who grew up in the glory days. I suspect that many of our supporters are going to " retire" from going to the football over the next decade. This means we are going to have generate a lot of new members just to retain our present numbers. We could attract more new members than any other club without actually climbing up the membership table

    I have no doubt the club is acutely aware of this - and that it is one of the reasons for our investment in the youthful Casey growth corridor

  8. [censored]. Sure it is harder for some people to put on bulk than others, but it's not impossible like you're suggesting - he just has to put more effort into his training and more specifically his diet, than others.

    Not quite true! A skinny person can put on weight with a diet - and weights program- geared specifically to weight gain. But that means no long distance running - and the sacrifice of endurance and flexibility.

    The "Morton is too skinny" sentiment that has run from thread to thread for the last couple of years is getting a bit tiresome. Cale needs to make better use of his assets - height and running ability- by developing cleaner hands and crisper ball use. .

    Neeld started with a blank sheet of paper. We should do the same - and give Morton our support.

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  9. Yes if there is no announcements by the AGM i will be concerned. C.S. took that trip to china befoe Christmas. I am confident the talks are continuing but as far as a sponsor, the AGM will give us an answer.


  10. Bonkers, I think it is important to recognise what Jim has done, what he has failed to do and what he has not done at all. It is a myth that Jim has saved the club. Saving the club is a massive operation that has demanded many things and is not done yet. jim effectively demolished the debt with member/supporter help. He did not improve our facilities, change our list, develop Casey etc etc. All essential ingredients. Jim's done none of them. Not one. The one thing he did do was preside in an essential way over the debt demolishion. Jim hads not put the club ahead of himself. He has put himself at the head of the club. I'm not being smart - that is his position. Hundreds of members paid their money to save the club. jim did not do it by himself. He is necessary but not sufficient. It takes no balls to come in to a hopeless situation because no one will blame you if you fail. No-one at all. It is a free swing.

    Did he inspire and unite - hell yes! Was he essential - yes! Is he responsible for [censored]-ups -hell yes. Has the board appeared disengaged or paralyzed behind him - yes. Are things better now - well, they look it, don't they. My hope is that Jim's figurehead position is being maintained while his responsbilities have been redistributed within the board somehow. Best of both worlds.

    What an absolute load of nonsense.

    You state that it is a myth that Jim saved the club because he did not personally improve our facilities, build our list or develop Casey etc.. Yet you acknowledge that these things wouldn't have happened without him - and you agree that he inspired and united. What the hell do you expect a leader to do? Under your thesis, Churchill didn't beat Hitler because he didn't get into the bunker with a a machine gun!

    What has JIm done wrong? Was it his fault that, our Football Director ( Andrew Leoncelli) moved to Sydney - and that no-one else was prepared to step forward to fill the void?

    I am delighted that so many others have torn this critical post to threads

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  11. Even during his promising AFL debut last season, Max's knee was heavily strapped. Either physically or mentally therefore Max had not fully recovered from his first knee reconstruction. "Nonsense", you say, "it was just a habit or a security blanket of some sort". Well - if he needed a security blanket, then deep down he wasn't confident his knee was OK ...... mentally at least he had not fully recovered.

    In the new article, he makes pointed reference to the fact that the surgeon commented that his "knee looked better than ever". Let's hope than when he comes back this time he will have a bigger upper body - and won't need to rely on a knee bandage.

    He has huge potential. Players of his his height and mobility can mean the difference between good sides and premiership contenders

  12. It really does feel like a science v religion argument.

    One side sees the other as lacking morality, while one side sees the other as irrational.

    Ne'er the twain shall meet, since each side is basing their opinions on very different values.

    I'm not sure that I completely accept this - for it implies that the "moral based" argument is less than fully "rational"

    To me it is entirely rational to focus on the "positive" when considering the contribution of those who have a track record of quality service.

    Some would argue that to seek to find fault with legends /heroes is less than helpful - if not destructive.

    I apologise for offending you so much hoopla. In no way do I suggest that they do it for money, and I firmly believe they do not, but I admit I wasn't aware they don't get paid for the immense amount of work they put in. God forgive me. Doesn't men my opinions count less than yours or anyone elses mate. FWIW, if you care (and you should know this if you read all my posts), I am firmly in the camp that believes Jimmy should be in the day until he chooses to step down, and am quite horrified that there is even a discussion regarding him being asked to step down. I suggest that perhaps next time, before going off half-cocked, you actually take the time to read the posts properly and not attack someone for having essentially the same view that you seem to be supporting.

    Well written Kento. I withdraw my comment completely. As you have said it was based on your first sentence taken out of context - and was therefore entirely inappropriate

    The thrust of my post was my frustration at the negativism of others - not your little factual error. Your opinions are well worth reading ( quite apart from the fact that they seem to be the same as mine!!)

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  13. Irrespective of skill set, I think the most telling thing is a how we all debated how he'd come back after such a horrific injury. Questions were being asked by all of us because some players will never beat the mental battle.

    James from all training reports seems to have not missed a training in the rehab group, is now in full training and according to the Sun will play in the NAB Cup. It is that drive that makes me excited about his ability to play for MFC. His skill set is natural but his mental capacity was often questioned.

    The drive that he has shown to get himself back in the door for Round 1 is something I think will be pivotal in turning his career from a Pick 19 potential into a best 18 footballer for years to come.

    I saw James' surgeon a few days after the operation. He said that for injuries of that type the operation was as clean as he had ever seen. About a month down the track he commented that James was on track to come back in record time. He also said that he was impressed with James attitude - and with his obvious commitment to the MFC.

    His onfield performances to date have not convinced me - but clearly he has an up-side. We need him to step up - because the "Bartram option" is not good enough.

  14. I absolutely see where you are coming from timD, and don't begrudge you that opinion. I am interested to know if Jimmy is still earning a presidents salary, as I do not know, and I think that is the most important thing in all of this.

    Sorry mate...all Board positions are voluntary positions. I can't take seriously the views of anyone whose opinions are based on the extraordinary misconception that Jim and Don and Co do what they do for money!!

    That is a disgrace of a post. you should be ashamed even thinking that motives like that were behind any involvement Garry had.

    I really am shocked with the negative posts towards Garry. Amazing.

    So am I. Amazed , disappointed .... even ( as a Melbourne supporter) embarrassed!

    I may not be as articulate as some posters on this thread but I cannot hold back any longer I have been a supporter of our Club for something like 70 yrs even following them when we played our home games at Punt Rd as the M C G was unavailable during the war years I am appalled by some suggestions that Jim be asked to resign. sacked or to take a pay cut. All this coming from supposed "supporters" of Club I would say that Jim has given his guts and more for our club and to treat him in such disrespect saddens me greatly. Now on Gary .I don`t care whether he was asked ,stuck his bib in or what but he came in our of need,as friends do,to help. ...... God bless Jim and his family

    Well VOD - you might be Very Old - but you are also Very Wise : Well said!!

  15. We don't yet have the full picture on the reporting structure through to the Board.

    I would presume that the Executive responsible for sports performance (Neil Craig) would have some sort of reporting line to the CEO (Cameron Schwab) .You would hope that reporting arrangements do not encourage Neil and Cameron to operate independently of one another.

    The press have fueled a perception that last year Cameron spent too much time on Football Department matters. We don't want to go the other extreme of removing admin, marketing, community relations from the core football business they support

  16. Firstly, unless you have either watched several training sessions (as I have) or more importantly, you are part of the coaching staff, I would not be commenting about JW's lack of intensity. I have seen him and he has been one of the most enthusiastic trainers there, in particular his voice. He may look like he is taking it easy at times, but I would say he is working as hard as anyone out there.

    Have read your postings with interest, Yoko ....thankyou.

    On the (limited) basis of attendance at one session,it seems to me that your comments on JW's training are spot on. On the day I went, his energy and enthusiasm stood out. At the end of several drills, he had a laugh with a mate- but then he screamed out encouragement to the next bloke in line- and charged back into the fray. The fact that his face wasn't lined with tension didn't mean he wasn't putting in. To the contrary he used his voice to add a level of intensity to all the competitive drills.

    My mate who has always been sceptical about JW's potential had to agree that he was very impressive that day - not just for his obvious handling and kicking skills - but also for his enthusiasm

  17. Trouble is that the face of the Fox Footy Channel will be the face of the President of one of the competing clubs. He has already stated publicly that he will try to "destroy" one of the interstate clubs if it tries to pinch ( within the rules) one of "our players". How can he credibly promote the competition into markets he has ridiculed?

  18. If you can run one way you can run back.

    Poor form if you cant, i dont see how running forward tires you anymore than backwards on the field!

    I think what he means is that we weren't fit enough to turn around and run back hard the other way!

    This logic of Davey having been a midfielder for several years therefore he should be a strong endurance runner doesn't wash with me. Davey and Blease would surely be the quickest two at the club over 5 metres or so; seems like a big coincidence that these two also happen to be struggling with the endurance as well.

    This thread is in desperate need of someone who knows what they're talking about chiming in, because there's a lot of guesswork going on right here that is leading to some nasty conclusions.

    You are right. Davey has been nursing injuries for a long time - and he might be under strict instructions not to risk a recurrence by pushing himself to the limit.

    Blease might be on a program designed to improve his strength and power rather than his endurance. The fact that he may not yet have the aerobic capacity of others doesn't necessarily mean that he is not working hard enough.

    To the extent that we don't have inside information on things like that - I'd prefer to give the players the benefit of the doubt.

    It wasn't Davey's decision to go into the midfield, it was ND and then Bailey, who incidentally, stated in '08 that he wished he had "three or four Aaron Daveys". His lack of tank is not his fault. As you can see by all of the reports about pre-season training, it is tightly controlled by the fitness staff. They determine, to a large extent, the fitness profile of the player.

    Correct. I'd like to think that he is doing exactly what the fitness staff have told him to do. Neeld and co may have decided that he is not a natural mid-fielder and that - given his history with injury - modified his program accordingly.

    Some will jump all over this .. "Bullsh - he's just soft!".... but we don't actually know.

  19. Like everyone, which no doubt includes the Club, I hoped we had this laid to rest by now, but it looks like we won't be starting the 2012 year with a new company for us to support.

    Agree. It certainly takes the gloss off the positive financial outlook set out in our Annual Report.

  20. The Cockatoo Collins boys!!Both plucked out of school to play a Friday night game at the G against Geelong. Huge fuss about them .... long-term potential through the roof.David never played AFL again - and Donald got maybe 2 other games

    I guess they don't belong in this thread - because despite the initial publicity- they were Nevercoodabeens

    Back on topic - its hard to go past Allen Jacovich

  21. For me this was nothing special. It is only doing what every other club does. For those that enjoyed the article I am happy for you. Just another loud pump up the Dee's fans piece. At least we have a great Football department now and things are starting to head in the right direction.

    The article was about "change" .... and to that extent it was interesting - surely?

    A lot of it may have been about the softness of our previous regime - or simply about the exponential development of the game as a whole - but it was interesting to read about the "all or nothing" approach of our new coaching panel.

    I have no doubt that all the other clubs have lifted the bar as well - but I wonder whether they are experiencing quite the same cultural change as we are.

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