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Posts posted by hoopla

  1. Ironic that her husband has just tweeted as follows: "Best ice in Melbourne" and includes a photo.


    (Apologies if the link doesn't work. I've never copied a tweet before)

    Link works ........... great pick up - classic

    Translation: Caroline Wilson could not find one single person at Collingwood this week prepared to even talk to her

    Now we are getting close to the truth......

    Good call.

    The toxicology report is / was done, but the results not released. Even if she does know what was in it, it was unnecessary to bring JM into it - it added nothing to the story.

    878 words and she couldn't find room for a single sentence about Dustin Martin, but had no qualms slurring the recently-deceased McCarthy by implication.

    Poor form.

    You are right. The reference to JM was completely out of line. It would not be inappropriate for the AFL to pull her up on that one : talk about bringing the game into disrepute!

    I have fully serviced the Rack with a good dose of WD40 she is working most efficiently & back to her old self i must say.

    Wouldn't it be great if both the MFC & The Filth took Ms Wilson to court. I am sure between these 2 iconic clubs we could mount an excellent case for defamation etc....she better hope her sources are right on both fronts...

    I actually like the idea............

  2. No doubt, if Davey, the Keith 'Bluey' Truscott Medallist that season would have been lost to the club, there would have been much condemnation of Schwab, Connolly, Bailey and any other target at the club that people feel the need to criticise.

    You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't.

    Many of us have very short memories. I'd suggest that the majority of supporters saw his contract as a plus at the time.

    Let's stop drawing negative conclusions based on limited knowledge of the ups and downs of his pre-season program - and see what happens when the season starts. It would be great if he has a good year - and ironic if he pulls the pin at the end of 2013 with the supporters screaming at the club to force him to play on.

    • Like 4
  3. Buckley has just said that Caroline has just written an article without one direct quote....and she does not have the right to speak on behalf of the Collingwood footy club.

    Well done Buckley

    She really is raking the muck now, ................. using off-the record comments from unnamed sources to attack a club culture.St Kilda as well re Sam Fisher. Interesting how she tries to suggest that Wellingham was pushed for off field reasons If I was Collingwood or StKilda , I'd be furious. At least its not us !

  4. Must say it was good tonight to have a drink with a Hawthorn supporter; a Collingwood supporter [" good" is an exaggeration with this one - actually its a lie] and an Essendon supporter [ pretty close to a lie with this one too] ............................. and to have them all agree that Melbourne couldn't possibly be found guilty - and that it was ridiculous that only one club was being investigated.

    But then came a gem .... a fanatical female Richmond supporter chimed in " Gee Caroline Wilson really hates Cameron Schwab doesn't she?" "Really ? Melbourne supporters know that .... but you've noticed it as well?" Yes absolutely - she hates him - has done for ages"" You don't have any inside info on that do you?" " No - its just a fact!"

    You will all say ....so what?...... and I'll have to agree with you ,,, nothing.!...........: I just enjoyed hearing the obvious volunteered by someone who ought to enjoy Wilson's column.

    Everyone is on to you, Wilson!

    • Like 1
  5. FNQ Demon Report – Wednesday, 28 November 2012

    ........... his knees are the best they have ever been. The patch on his knee is due to a grass burn that has got infected. He admitted he is not as quick but feeling fantastic. Again, he trained really well. MN was taking with his constantly and his field position, kicking was excellent. The players continue to use him a lot.

    I spoke at length with Mark Neeld; he is very happy where the guys have come in 12 months. He said the recruits would join the main group in Darwin. The current training is putting down a base level of fitness prior to Xmas, and then they will really step it up. He is very happy with what was going on and the attitude of everyone.

    Overall a fantastic session.

    FNQ Demon

    I know this is repetitive , boring ,,,, and late - but I have to add my thanks to FNQ for a brilliant report. However many times you post here mate - your 18th post will take some beating !

  6. A little quote from a member of North's training staff .... included as much as for what it says about training workload at Melb as what it says about Gysberts:

    New recruit Jordan Gysberts is also adapting to the workload and conditions.

    “He’s started off really well, but I think he’s been surprised by the amount of work he’s been exposed to. But he’s coping with that really well and will only get better as we go.”

    In some ways all that says is that North is where Neeld and Misson are - which just confirms how poor we were before they took over. No wonder we had to start again!!

  7. They've probably got a fair bit of 'stuff' but the problem the investigators have got is that it's the same stuff that a myriad of other clubs have done before . GWS this season, for instance .

    They need something more substantial than the norm, and it's highly doubtful that they have got anything of any real substance .

    This is where the AFL's whole approach falls on its face

    How can they look for something outside the norm when they haven't clearly established the norm by investigating a range of clubs ?They asked a few polite questions of Brett Ratten a couple of years ago - but the Integrity Mob haven't been near him. Other clubs could have set up vaults and installed cones of silence over every desk - and Clothier hasn't even put his head in their door - much less commandeered even one laptop.

    Logic says that they can't reasonably ping us without proving that we clearly did things other clubs didn't do. If we are going to get the "natural justice" they have promised , then we are entitled to expect that they will investigate other clubs as well.Why haven't they started ?

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  8. The last thing they would have done if it was a set up was to promote it beforehand. It had to look spontaneous and even with a late call up for Brock, this could have been done over lunch on the same day.

    Not sure that follows. The name of the game is ratings . If you've got a big story - you're going to use it to try to lift your audience. Why hide it under a bushel -why contrive to make it look spontaneous ?

    Surely you'd be trying to make the most of it. "Make sure you watch "On the Couch" tomorrow - we've got a big breaking story for you". The last thing you do in the ratings game is hide your blockbusters !!

    The more I think about it - the more I'm convinced that the spontaneity was genuine.

  9. I don't think the McLean interview was a "set-up."

    In fact, I believe Brock was a last minute substitute for a more illustrious(and interesting) Carlton player who found he was unable to attend, and notified the organisers late.The question that led to the "tanking "remarks was most likely a spur of the moment discussion.

    Agree with that. If it was a "set up" , it would have been strongly promoted beforehand - and a few follow-up programs would have been in the pipeline.

    Its been a third party journo ( read Wilson plus an appropriate adjective) who has tried to get mileage out of it.

  10. I too am bemused by this selection.

    It's a pity Viney couldn't come up with a better justification than "height". I wouldn't take that comment too seriously ..... remember that he was being interviewed by Burgs - and had had to say "hard bodied, hard running. ready-to-play midfielder with a great work ethic" stacks of times already .... so he threw in height for something different to say....... Its unfortunate too that a few grabs from Box Hill's videos didn't really show any outstanding sequences of play.

    All we can say is that they must be very confident he is worth it ................after all they took him ahead of Terlich (who sounds like a real chance) ......... which suggests they were concerned that someone else was looking at Jones.

    We have been so thorough sorting through our options this year - that you have to at him positively.We wouldn't have taken a 25 year old in the main draft if there wasn't something a bit special about him. It must take a heck of a lot of determination to break into a VFL side for the first time when you are 24. Box Hill ( Hawthorn) must have had the same doubts when they took him on last year.

    I think I heard Neeld say they thought he was a ready-made AFL player. He wasn't a random " see how he goes" selection. There is so much against taking him in the third round that he must be good!!!

  11. Is this post about Jordan Gysberts - or all the players we let go?

    The fact is that in the Bailey years we recruited a lot of talented kids to play the sort of open footy that was in vogue 3 or 4 years ago. Perhaps because they had natural talent they hadn't developed the hunger you need to have today - but one way or another they were all given a chance and they didn't cut the mustard. You could say that we were tough on Cook - but no other club has given him a lifeline. Some are critical of the FD for letting these players go for next to nothing - but the fact is that no one else rated them. The mistake was in recruiting them in the first place - it was time to cut our losses

    If we get a few injuries - we might miss Martin because of his adaptability - but I don't think he's going to come back and bite us. Gys is still young enough to make a good career for himself but the way we want to play he's too light to be a key inside workhorse and too slow to be a line-breaking outside runner.

    Gys will be better off in a different environment - and we'll be better off moving forward without him

    • Like 3
  12. Forget Richmond's #17 or Hawthorn's #23 - Melbourne's #31 is the most revered number in football. The fact that it means nothing to some of our younger posters is all the more reason to roll it out again - to keep it where it belongs.

    I'm not old enough to have seen Barassi in his prime - but I am old enough to know the legend. He left Melbourne because he wanted to coach .As far as he was concerned his coach - ,and foster father - was entitled to coach the Demons forever ....... and that meant that he had to move on. But he came back.

    As others have said, its not about a number - its about respect for your club and its history.

    For the sake of the kids who had No 16 on their backs I reckon its important that #16 goes to someone with an exciting future - Viney (before he moves to #12) or Toumpas !!

    Go #31 ( and #16)

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  13. I'd like to think the club would have an idea of his strengths and weaknesses, regardless of weather Viney went to school with him or not..... It would be a shame, if these decision were left to the opinion of new players.....

    You are of course correct ......... but a father (Todd) watching a son and his mates play schoolboy footy over the years ( and attending a few B & Fs etc) should be in a better position to make an assessment of things like consistency and team orientation etc than a recruiter who's only seen him play a couple of representative games and interviewed him once...............

  14. An incredible athlete but has been warned countlessly by his school coaches to harden up.

    I think that's right - more an athlete than a footballer. But a good kid who'd pass on character. Can really run.

    He goes to school with Jack Viney - so the club will know his strengths and weaknesses

  15. You'd think he'd compete with Strauss, Dunn, Nicholson, Watts, Joel Macdonald and maybe even Toumpas in his first year or two for a spot on a half back flank/back pocket. Should be an interesting positional battle. There's room for at least 3 of those guys along with 2 talls (like Frawley and McDonald) plus a 3rd tall type which could be Garland or Watts/Dunn/Macdonald/Gillies/Sellar.

    It will be an interesting battle that defensive mix. There's very few established AFL players but a lot of talent in different combinations.

    You'd reckon that if the Swans took him a 17, there was something special about him.

    If he's now developed the hunger he didn't have then - he must be a chance. At 68 - looks like a very smart pick

  16. You'd reckon he'd only make it on one of the four pillars - football talent.

    He's a miss on character and physical attributes ( endurance) and probably on competitiveness as well. Unless they have a different set of criteria for the rookie list ( which they won't!) he's not even worth thinking about ........................ not even close.

  17. Great decision MFC. #31 deserves to be honoured again. Couldn't think of a better option than to give it to one of our captains.

    Jack will truly do it proud! I can see the 13th premiership cup being held high by #31.,,what a beautiful day that will be! :wub:

    Well done Jack - Congratulations.

    And to the great man Ron - fantastic little clip on the web site of you handing over the baton to the next premiership ( Co-) captain !!!

  18. At school we've all been studying ethics and it has partly covered the Universal declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and i had a look over it today and noticed a part of it that CW may be out of line with!

    Article 11: You should be considered innocent until it can be proved that you're guilty. If you are accused to a crime, you should always have the right to defend yourself. Nobody has the right to condemn you and punish you for something you have not done.

    imo she is out of line with this one, the first and last sentence anyway.

    Good call Mate. I reckon you should have a crack at writing to the Age with that point

  19. With Straussy's kicking ability and run, id love to see him tried at half forward wing, where he can use the ball, and pinpoint passes to our forwards.

    Strauss has the reputation of being a great kick - and he appears to have a good technique - but under AFL pressure I'm not yet convinced he is. There hasn't been anything elite about his kicking in his AFL career to date

  20. Surely admissions of players in different positions and experimentation cannot in itself be proof of deliberately losing matches. This practise has been going on for my 50 years of watching football particularly with lower clubs , and never an eyebrow even being raised. this has only become an issue through the AFL creating a priority pick, the act itself has never been an issue. Surely they must need more than that to go us for anything?

    Common sense - and natural justice - agrees with you.

    But this is political exercise to preserve the credibility of the AFL - and journos like Wilson with an anti- Melbourne agenda enjoy the taste of blood

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  21. That may not Suit/fit her contacts though, & may anger them.

    She's playing the game, they're game.

    "tools of the trade"

    I did qualify my point........ if she had half an unbiased brain!

    If they go us we can and must do our utmost to drag every man and his dog into the mud with us, using every tactic possible.

    This thing has the potential to topple Demetriou if his base of support feel it's getting out of hand.

    We should not cow to the fearful "dont bite the hand that feeds you" movement when/if the [censored] hits the fan. There is a time to retreat and a time to fight. The MFC have been doing too much of the former in recent times.

    Ironically, as rpfc points out, this investigation started when Demetriou was on his "in season" jaunt to the Olympics. I still reckon that if he'd been here - he would have dismissed McLean's sick outburst before Wilson gave it legs.

    Well at end of the lady's epistle on Tippett (?) this morning, she threw in that we are prepared to take things to the High Court if necessary. Perhaps proceeds from the next Foundation Heroes dinner will be put to a Fighting Fund! ( Might have to be!)

  22. I am getting sick of this "inquisition", which is what it is. Threatening and intimidating of witnesses belongs somewhere else than an AFL investiagation. Computers now confiscated.

    I think the next step should be forceful injection of truth serum, to any witness who has given a statement the investigators didn't want to hear. Are we now living in Russia?

    We have had the man who made the famous remark state it was a joke, several players including the captain, who have said they did their best and the Coach admit only to experimentation and list management. Why then if this is the case is this this still an ongoing investigation?

    Why also are we the only club being investigated when the Tigers Coach has admitted a breach of Rule 19A to get Cotchin, he admitted doing nothing which is a clear breach of not performing on his merits and the Blues with Fevola and Libba both saying they tanked. Yet on the word of a former player with a less than perfect reputation who has never used the words "tank" or "deliberately lost", we are being subjected to the most intense AFL Investigation ever.

    All of this after the AFL CEO has cleared and endorsed our behaviour. I am sorry but this is now a bloody joke and a major embarrassment to the game and the AFL running it.

    Your point is well made ................ and totally valid

    It is a disgrace that we have been targeted the way we have .If they eventually clear us - will they compensate us for the disruption to our operation?

    It is outrageous that we are the only club under investigation. If Wilson had half an unbiased brain - she'd be hammering away at that fundamental point right now

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