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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Completely agree Ash. This was posted by Demonology's resident sensationalist Burnzo last week: Sums it up perfectly I think.
  2. There were a few things that stuck out in my mind immediately after the game: Bizzell, Warnock, Ward and Godders have no roles to play this year barring injury. Bell and CJ made me very, very happy. Buckley showed that he has the ability to become at least a serviceable player. And I finally got to see Frawley's famous kicking action! I'm half disappointed, half relieved that I don't have to go to Launceston next week now.
  3. Aha Satan, you're right. I meant orthodontic. Didn't think that sounded right! Yes, that's exactly it, Mrs Nasher was concerned that it might have some adverse effects on bubs' teeth development.
  4. You've obviously never lived on the west coast then mate. I spent the first 10 years of my life in Strathgordon, and I'd be surprised if it rained any less than 300 days a year. The school there had a giant lino (heated) corridor, designed for the kids to play in at lunch time, because for most of the school year it was too wet to go outside. That's why all the Hydro villages are in the west of the state. It gets much more rain than the east. What you've said is certainly true for the east half of the state though. Yes, Hobart (typically) does get less annual rainfall than any other capital city besides Adelaide.
  5. Congratulations Josh, it's very exciting. My first born turns 6 months today, how time flies! At a day old she saw her first footy game (on TV), and saw the mighty Dees draw against Geelong. I got one of those dummies too, but my wife won't let me give it to Holly. Apparently they're not "orthopaedically sound", whatever that means.
  6. It reminded me of watching footy on ABC.
  7. I've split this in to its own thread... carry on.
  8. I've split the list analysis contents of this thread in to this thread -> http://demonland.nozzs.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=4673
  9. You'd have to be a complete bonehead to do that, seriously. How disappointing and embarressing for the club.
  10. We've taken a few over the last 10 years and they turned out to be complete flops. Nicholas Walsh and Kevin Devine spring to mind.
  11. Best post of your career dazzler. Spot on.
  12. When I read that, my brain wanted to turn both words in to McLean. Odd.
  13. Yeah, the new version isn't compatible with the old version of the blog, which in turn has broken the PM system. I'll have to get in touch with the authors of the software to figure out how to fix that.
  14. Hi all, As you've probably noticed by now, I've done an upgrade on the forum software we use. There's a lot of enhancements to stuff like creating new posts, you'll come across the new features as you use the new software. You should find that the majority of things are still the same. I did have a problem with the old skin (ie, the dark blue theme), so for now we've had to revert to the IPB default, which is what you're looking at (with all the light blue..). I intend to fix that shortly. In the mean time, enjoy! Let me know if you have any problems doing anything.
  15. Ah, that guy has an ad on TV where he's standing on a giant pitchfork ("Clennett's Mitre 10 Kingston/Huonville"). I've seen him heaps, but I had never made the connection until just now. He's pretty well known down here.
  16. Err, BrownlowBruce, you've missed the point big time there. Sheahan's Top 50 is just a way of providing a concrete example of rating players. You could replace Sheahan's Top 50 with any methodology of player ratings and Franky's point would be exactly the same.
  17. A captain needs to have earned the respect of the players of the club if he wants to be an effective captain, and that respect needs to be as both a person and a player. I can't see how an import could possibly fill that role, even if he is one of the game's greats. The players won't have been around the guy for long enough to respect him in the way that is necessary for him to be captain. If anything, they'd probably resent the fact that he waltzed in and took over. It's completely different for a coach. Coaches don't have the luxury of being able to blend in with the scenery for a while before really earning their respect. They need to demand it instantly. You're comparing apples and oranges there.
  18. He was probably just reading what everyone was saying out of his own personal interest. If he wants to comment on the selection then I'm sure he will. Try not to pester the bloke, otherwise he'll feel less compelled to come on and share his thoughts than he already does.
  19. On the assumption that Moloney out of contract and he has another poor year, I imagine he'd be given a one year contract at the end of 2007. He's a good enough player and has enough runs on the board to be allowed some leeway when it comes to injury and poor form.
  20. Nah, he's no chance dazzler. The club just likes wasting money on paying talentless kids to stock up the Sandy 2's.
  21. Joel Campbell and Mark Berts were both rookie listed, if I remember correctly, so they were a very low risk investment that didn't pay off. I imagine if Craig and his team didn't think he was a fair chance to make it, they would've used our rookie list spot on him.
  22. Welcome to 2005 Wrath. If Jamar spent on average any less than 50% time on the ground I'd be surprised.
  23. Jamar is probably the one who complements White better. An athletic, mobile ruckman and the lumbering giant who can take a grab.
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