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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. Fair result considering we only had three players on the ground (Bell, Moloney and Green), and one of those was missing in the last quarter with an injury. I'm too dejected to say anything else. That kind of performance seriously just makes me not give a rats about footy.
  2. - Moloney, the ONLY player on our list who has had three good games so far injuried, groin again - Godfrey on the HFF - Ferguson picked, then spends the whole day on the bench. - Geelong managing bullshit kicks off the ground that go straight down someone's throat. I get it now. It's all a big joke! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D On the plus side, my dream team is going to score huge this week.
  3. Apparently that's what the Roos tried to do with Port Melbourne and that's why the Borough told them to go jump. That said though, I don't think anyone (with any clue/credibility) is suggesting Sandy flick Sautner so Newton can play FF (or whatever). Most people understand that this just an unfortunate side effect of an otherwise successful relationship. But just because it's an unavoidable fact doesn't mean anyone has to like it, and I certainly don't.
  4. ...nope, I've just been informed that it was recognised as income. So there you go
  5. Hi lads, After last year's profit of $500,000 was released, there was a lot of "that works out to a $500,000 loss if you take away the $1m CBF". By my basic understanding of accounting, that statement isn't true, is it? The CBF would be recognised as equity rather than income, so it would improve cash flow for the club but ultimately have no affect on the profit figure at all. The only way it would affect profit is if it were recognised as income, but that seems unlikely to me. Am I right?
  6. I would've chosen Bizzell over Ferguson too, but in the end they're both the same kind of misfit player -- extremely limited defenders with, at best, very dubious claims of being able to play forward.
  7. I don't quite understand how you can "look" disinterested. Can you please explain what you mean by that?
  8. It's a good point John and thanks for sharing. Interesting case in point is Luke Ball, coming back on after suffering a severe head injury during the game against us. Head injuries are one injury that you just shouldn't screw with. A friend of mine who was a trainer at grassroots level said this happened all the time; the coach would bring blokes back on half an hour after they were knocked out cold. They might seem okay (and a player is ALWAYS going to say they're okay), but jeez. If there's that much pressure at the low levels I hate to think what it'd be like at the top. Personally, I agree that if a player is on the field then he's fair game and I expect him to perform. Clubs need to get better at recognising when a player is NOT right to play though, and not place so much pressure on players to play if they're seriously injured. It isn't fair on the player, or the team if they're really struggling to get near the footy.
  9. The future? Weren't we all saying at the start of the year that this year was our year? By playing "the kids", you're conceding that your year is stuffed so you then start using it to improve your future players. If it was round 15 and we were languishing near the bottom I'd agree with you, but after round 2? Get a grip. We've played like crap so far but our season isn't over yet. Neale's still thinking short term and so he should. He's under a lot of fire so far this season and so he should be with the way the team has played, however I don't think "he's not thinking of the future!!" is a fair criticism to be leveled at him. Yet.
  10. If he's sore then he should be rested. We're stuffed with or without him this week anyway. The last thing we need is another midfielder out for a whole season because their injuries aren't managed.
  11. Ask one of the players if they think he's likable.
  12. No Sylvia? I'm completely dumbfounded. I'm lost for words, I can't understand why he wouldn't be selected after last week's showing at Sandy and the massive number of holes in the side. Hmph. I hope Petterd plays. Yze, yep, I'm sure he's learned from his one game for Sandy. So let's get this straight, the ins are: Bizzell, Yze, P.Johnson, Ferguson, Petterd I feel sick.
  13. Thinking about footy at the moment makes me feel sick. I haven't dreaded watching the Dees play like this since 2003.
  14. Good one. Pick on a stuff-up by a 12 year old kid who's just upset and emotional about his team playing like crud (like all of us are). Pissweak journalism if you ask me.
  15. He's Yze Magic, you need to learn this. There's no such thing as "the other side is too good" for him.
  16. There is no possible way an outsider can tell if the midfield (or any other specialist) coach is doing a good job or not.
  17. He'll have to come out of the current leadership group. If the club (including players and coaches) thought anyone outside the leadership group were captain material they'd be IN the leadership group. Anyway, I choose Green out the limited choices we have.
  18. I think that sums YM up perfectly! This thread certainly made my day though.
  19. Agree brfe. You can't attribute people dislocating, breaking and otherwise damaging bones to the new fitness coach. If it was soft tissue injuries then yes, he would probably have a case to answer. And of the three whose damage is muscle related, one only has soreness because he is overweight and unfit.
  20. I'd call Bell a mid and Whelan a small. Whelan is 180cm and I'd call him our only true "small" defender.
  21. Totally agree DD. He's our best medium defender by leagues. He needs to stay put.
  22. Criticize who you like, it's a free country. Just do it in a tasteful and respectful manner, within the rules of the site and there won't be an issue. It's not that hard. If people disagree with your opinion, though, they'll tell you about it. That's what happens when you put "out there" opinions out there.
  23. Not one single hit out, except for the 28 hit outs he got (according to Hoju on Demonology, who counts the stats himself I believe). Some people just see what they want to see I think. Those sitters in the last quarters were howlers, yes, but prior to that PJ was easily the dominant ruckman for the game, both in hitouts and around the ground. Don't let a couple of (admittedly very bad) mistakes lend bias to your view. As to the ins and outs: Ins: Sylvia Outs: Who cares
  24. We already did the bottoming out thing, it's why we've got McLean and Sylvia. I don't want to go through that again. I just want to see the team we've got not play like crap. I don't think that's a huge ask.
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