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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. This bedwetting about Newton possibly being signed is just nonsense, get a grip people.
  2. Hard to imagine how he could possibly have had a worse year. An absolute disaster in which his confidence and reputation were all completely soiled. Must put it behind him, because he still have a big role to play in our success if he can recover from this. Has a clean slate in 2012 as far as this poster is concerned.
  3. Nasher


    Agreed. For real graffiti, some of the work people do with a few cans of paint is absolutely amazing. There are some really talented artists out there, but if you don't have permission then it's not on. Tagging is just pathetic.
  4. Hardly? It was almost the dictionary definition of good fortune. He was Freo's for the taking and had they not been such bumbling idiots who tried to screw Brisbane over, Clark would been having his presser in a purple t-shirt and not a red one. I'm not discounting the work done by the MFC, but let's be honest, it was lucky that we were in the right place at the right time.
  5. Indeed - but it only happened because he fell in to our laps. It's darn near impossible to get a ready made KPF out of the draft. Preaching to the choir no doubt.
  6. Deestroy All, Supermercado = funny. Yze_Magic = pain in the arse.
  7. Or just not turn up at all, like this year.
  8. What's that all about? That's arguably all the best VFL listed players from the Scorps wiped out in one hit from my understanding.
  9. Demonland will become comedy gold if this is the case. Pleasepleaseplease let it be true!
  10. Cost nothing, gained nothing, lost nothing. Was worth the shot.
  11. Indeed - a smattering of bog ordinary players filled out with lots and lots of spuds, and it's not just after Maric, it's earlier in the draft too. It looks to have been a very poor draft fours years down the track.
  12. Clark = Change -1. Still need to move on at least one more. Looking at you, Wona and/or Macdonald.
  13. Heh, yes, thank heavens "conoly" and "shwab" are stuffing up our futures. Our future looks completely and utterly screwed, right guys?
  14. No, but it must surely be in doubt. Are we really that much better off playing Joel Macdonald ahead of, for example, Tom McDonald? It really depends on what role the coach thinks he can play, but I can't think of any roles where we're better off with Macdonald over one of the younger players on our list, and he's clearly behind the seniors in Frawley, Garland and Rivers.
  15. Let's rehash all these conversations again! :headdesk:
  16. There's not a lot of point in keeping him if he won't play much.
  17. Yup. Could've summed this up with "LOL Essendon" - a sentiment I agree with
  18. His name's come up every year for the last few. Given that we've had a few opportunities to take him now and haven't, I doubt this year would be any different.
  19. The Saints having to squeeze out a whole bunch of middle of the road players because they cornered themselves with the salary cap is not really that interesting to me. Unless they're going to squeeze Riewoldt out then they can suffer in their jocks. I couldn't be less interested in their middle tier - reckon we're just as likely to get what we need in the draft.
  20. If he's a ruck then we've wasted our time and resources. He's a forward, that's what he says he is, that's what Harrington and Neeld say he is, and that's what we need him to be. He can double as insurance if Martin or Jamar go down mid match, but that's just a fringe benefit and not his primary role. No Jamar/Martin injury = 0 minutes ruck time for Clark.
  21. Agree with all of the above - it's pretty hard to have any sympathy for Essendon. I find it delightful that the two clubs that tried to play sneaky buggers got burned this year. There's a lot to be said for being direct and easy to deal with - let that be a lesson to all the posters who insist we play "hard ball" during trade week or in contract negotiations (admittedly this has waned in recent years).
  22. Hope Harrington, Neeld and co know what they're doing with Bate - I can't see it, but defer to their greater knowledge. Other than that, a bloody outstanding trade week.
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