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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. lol - comparing Jeff Kennett to David Schwarz. As Yossarian said, he was the Premier of Victoria. He might be a footy dunce, but he knows how to run an organisation. Honestly, I can't believe people are still clinging to this idea of Schwarz as the club president. It is beyond ridiculous.
  2. The role of President isn't just a ceremonial figurehead, it's a leadership role in the most important group at the club. This requires both leadership and business knowledge. With all due respect to the Ox - who I love - I can't see him being the captain of a group of the high performance business men and women on the board. It's a fanciful idea that is just a recipe for disaster.
  3. Only someone who doesn't know what Pike did would say that. In the same way that Nathan Carroll had to be sacked after he snotted Ben Holland and then made a revoltingly racist comment and gesture to a member of staff, Martin Pike also had to be sacked.
  4. Wouldn't everyone be surprised if we won?
  5. Haha, I remember this guy! ^^ Hope you're happy barracking for Richmond. Me, I'd feel like a dirty sellout. Enjoy your cheap success, wonder who you'll start barracking for when the Tiges hit the bottom of the cycle again some time in the future?
  6. Some choose to be dignfied and respectful when the situation calls for it. Some choose to act like Neanderthal meatheads and hurl inappropriate and unnecessary abuse. Each to their own.
  7. So what? You're using a completely fictional number to make an obtuse point. If the payout was $7.00 instead of your suggested $2,000,000 then your point is dead in the water, and for all we know that's what it was. Again, I reiterate my point: stop making shit up.
  8. Greg Healy is a better option, and that's without looking outside the existing board.
  9. Stop making shit up. You have no idea how much the settlement would be if anything, so stop talking as if you do.
  10. Oh Jesus. I love the Ox, but the man's never made a sound decision in his life. Someone with some business acumen who knows footy, please.
  11. Doesn't need its own thread.
  12. Thank you Cameron. You have made the correct decision for the club. One down.
  13. Wanky job title notwithstanding, I would be amazed if TH had any more than a bit part in choosing who is on the list. That has to fall to the coach and the chief recruiter. It just has to.
  14. There's already more than one thread on this.
  15. The "deckchairs" cliche has never been more true than it is now. I can't think of a time in my life that I've cared less about who comes and goes. Would like to see Kent get a game though.
  16. Does it? Equals Harrington crunches the numbers, Prendergast picks the players. Given that part of Prendergast's (and Viney Snr's) role is conducting player trades, it's a no-brainer that they have to work closely with the guy responsible for player contracts.
  17. Good question, don't know. He may have input, but it seems unlikely to me that an analyst would have the authority to get a team "stuck" with a player longer than the footy guys wanted him. I expect he gets told by the footy boffins what the parameters are like who they want to keep and for how long, then he negotiates with the player managers on their behalf. I'm just guessing now though.
  18. 19, you guys do an amazing job. Seriously got your work cut out for you this week. Best of luck.
  19. I could be wrong, but my understanding is that he's a number cruncher whose chief responsibility is to manage the salary cap for now and in to the future. I'd be amazed if he had that much say in the actual comings bode goings in the list, and I highly doubt Barry reported to him. He and Baz would have been at the same level on the org chart.
  20. I'm still pretty sure this has little to do with sacking of Norm Smith, Rob.
  21. Decent players like Garland and Frawley are playing like absolute vegetables. There's no doubt there's a still a smattering of awful players in our team, but I can't believe we're 150 points bad.
  22. Yes - in the early stages it reeks of Ben Nelson for David Gallagher to me.
  23. I'm in. I'm broken and battered and have felt like I can't possibly take any more for months now, but can't walk away.
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