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Everything posted by Nasher

  1. I reckon we've gone too far down this path to turn back now. He'll be heavily tied up in all these trades we appear to have on the boil.
  2. I don't think that is more likely. Trading players out for draft picks in return is not something Roos has ever done before, and he's point blank said he does not want to load up on young players. If that is what he is doing this time, then it is going against everything he's ever done or said. It doesn't add up for me unless it's part of something bigger.
  3. This is like a great game of Chinese Whispers. At no stage did I interpret any of the articles linked to indicate that he was told he is going to be traded.
  4. I just came back to read something in JJH's post and discovered it's 11 pages back, 276 posts ago. Jesus, you people post a lot.
  5. The press (for what it's worth) seems to be indicating the Collingwood won't deal with Brisbane and their deal is dead in the water. Beams apparently said he doesn't want to go to GC - how badly does he really want to be in Queensland?
  6. Can't see why Beams is Clark 2.0. Different person, different brain, different personal circumstances. I'm all for learning from the past, but the only thing to learn from that particular past is that Clark is a douche. The rest is irrelevant.
  7. He's not going there "no matter what" - Collingwood have said the deal with Brisbane is dead in the water because the Lions won't make an offer that is satisfactory.
  8. Mate, there's no connection between Beams and Clark. The circumstances in which the trades are conducted is similar, but that's it. There's nothing to suggest this will turn out the same way because they're not the same person - unless you know something about Beams that you're not sharing.
  9. I don't think it's a case of intercepting, more like picking it up off the ground where it's lying broken.
  10. If that's the case, I have grossly misjudged Beams' character and I apologise.
  11. I'd say the club has both options on the boil - it's possible they're both right. Watching this drag out for another week is going to kill me.
  12. While you never know with footy clubs, Beams and Lumumba being close doesn't exactly have a Yin-Yang feel to it
  13. Possibly - requires updates from the software developers sadly. A more pressing need is to update it so I can bulk delete posts from it - nothing worse than getting stuck in a car or out and about and seeing about 15 posts I need to delete because BBO, Biffen and friends have found the thread or something, and can't.
  14. Now there *must* be a way I can assign that to the official emoticon list under or something. Leave it with me.
  15. I'm not that greedy, my lord. One elite player would be a really good bloody start.
  16. "Is reluctant, but would not block the trade". Jack's a good kid and will understand the nature of the game and how the system works. He'll hate the idea to start with due to his loyal nature, but eventually he'll get over it. Even if it is part of a bigger deal that has us celebrating, I'd still be sorry to see him go. Bittersweet.
  17. He's busy preparing his "scoop" with his "inside word" on the Trengove trade. I'm tipping he'll tell us we're going to get Beams, complete with a few one liners about how everyone feels about it.
  18. Not sure if it's the club getting us ready for it, or just trying to control the speculation. Either way I like the way the club has operated throughout this whole thing - we've heard nothing at all that we didn't need to hear, and when we did need to hear things it's been delivered in a sensible fashion. I'm impressed. Edit: JJH has probably blown it by giving Purple and co some very juicy fodder though.
  19. In Roos we trust... unless he does something we don't agree with. I must admit I panicked when I first heard of this deal. The possibility that it's part of a bigger picture + the knowledge that even if it's not, these blokes know what they're doing has calmed me significantly.
  20. You're my new favourite poster. I don't even care if you're lying.
  21. After Mahoney said that Richmond came to us with the deal, the idea that it's part of a mega-deal is just wishful thinking now.
  22. What did Akermanis say about the Bulldogs? I vaguely recall a furore about it but can't remember the contents.
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