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Everything posted by wobbie

  1. The crowds in Brisbane and Sydney even sound different. My thoughts are that it's a much newer, female and family oriented crowd and less male dominated than elsewhere, where the culture is more tribal and male.
  2. It better be big, yes Let's Go Brand!
  3. I'm calling him "Brand" from now on
  4. A worse turn out for us than the GWS match, considering Port had thousands more there. Dry and comfortable conditions. Not unexpected though. Better hope this club isn't headed for major doldrums again.
  5. I don't think that's the right way to look at it. We have a very small supporter base, but those core 20,000 people who turn up regularly are very rusted-on and not fair-weather at all. The big teams like Collingwood have legions of fair-weather supporters, because they catch all the people who want to support the "popular" team and go along with the crowd, only caring when they're hot.
  6. I went tonight, and I rarely go. Sat there like a loser by myself, and sadly left early like one too. I went in part knowing that the crowd would be awful, and I had to do something, also knowing that the last hopes of the season were on the line. We can all feel the low morale, it's no fun when your team is on the way down and serves up rubbish at random.
  7. I don't think I'll watch
  8. I immediately put money on Geelong to win by 40+ points I guess this means it's Geelong by 30 points 😅
  9. My preference is to remove and disband both GWS Giants and GC Suns 😇
  10. I got a level 1 ticket after attempting several times to buy level 2 premium, apparently too many people were buying them. If I’m seated near a Carlton fan who upped their Ritalin dose too much, I’ll abandon it and wander around
  11. I doubt it's 50/50, from what I gather, their system will adjust access based on demand? So if 5 times the amount of Carlton members are trying to buy, it will open up more access for Carlton people. In the end there will be 65,000 Blues fans which probably reflects the level of demand from each supporter base this morning, so it's kind of fair?
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