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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Ive just checked the Russell Yoyo predictor .... The Wombat was entirely too wasted on goon to know up down or even know what a shadow was and fell asleep before being able to crawl back into his burrow. Apparently it's a bit cloudy so Wally wouldn't have seen himself cast a darkness. Consulting local legend Mr Coight ( who few realise lent his name and prowess to stringed toys ) he assures that any bunch of Skegheads this far frome shore should have no chance of making waves. Dees by a country mile or VB stop whichever comes first.
  2. Be happy if they 'turn up' for the first bounce Often Qld and Vic are half hour apart .. hopefully not today !
  3. Stangely....i see nothing. Such a damning description of our season
  4. why..our backs are fine !! we dont need a fullback...according to some as our current list is coming along just dandy Id be a little concerned that we don't get opened up.
  5. Possibly ,for mine , the most perplexing frustrating aspect about today is i have absolutely no idea what to really expect. What I should be expecting is a 'stung' Demons going out before a pseudo home crowd and thoroughly trounce the coasters as a statement. What will happen ? Anyone's guess. MFC...we really ought to be past this by now !!
  6. Interpretation of Rules is just as f'd as f'd can be. Rules are rules.....unless the likes of Gil doesn't like it. Oooh wait...he likes nothing straight up and down, doesn't really like rules at all as such. The wrong ppl are running the game.
  7. Not disagreeing. This indigenous ideal is nothing but a marketing ploy dressed as lip service to any real respect for the 'brothers' Wheres the Immigration Round ? Could pay homage to the multicultural background of many of the games biggest names. Yes..tongue in cheek but really. Its a gimmick at worst and borderline on cultural tourism otherwise. I suppose it's up to any club to make of it what they can Prefer the plain Red and Blue and to be focused on footy personally. TV loves its distractions
  8. Are you saying theres no local media coverage there...or here...or ?
  9. Given some of the gifting currently in vogue i can't think of any player more worthy of a game . Chances ? B&N (not Good... )
  10. That 2 point thumping at the G also Cemented ourselves as a power club of the future too Lets not get carried away. Track record in the dirt isn't marvelous.
  11. Tbh though i distinctly feel some clubs buy into the hoodoo they seem to have on us. I do think it's more what we bring to the game that matters more. I also think that it is this that other clubs feast upon....our inconsistencies and tardy arrivals. Ironically some oppositions may indeed see US as the danger game...which Melbourne is turning up, and when. Most of our decent wins are quite honestly aberrations to the run of the cloth. I fear it'll only be when we do what we're supposed to do, when we're supposed to and on a regular basis that the name Melbourne will start a sweat in others. Long way still to go.
  12. Actually some of our efforts are more akin to uphill skiing
  13. I think Hunt down back earlier is a must. One of my beefs with many games to date is we seemed to want to jump out of the blocks... We continually tripped up esp as we never seem switched to "100% attention" til the 2nd qtr . Letting all settle into their game/roles and tempering to the tempo seems the best approach at present. We're undermanned. Caution is required. As game develops you can 'up' things. Tbh Hunt seems naturally aware and adjusts, but start him back. His thrust off the hb is important.
  14. Yep... Seen nothing in his game awareness to suggest to me hes a fullback. Tom isn't one either in my book. Tom has a much better awareness and ability to cover some forwards though. He HAS some nouse...just 'odd disposal algorithms' Again if you're to have say three tall defenders Omac might be one...but a Fullback. Nuh.
  15. Forget age...its footy nouse. Itll be 2-3 years before he approached " really useful" at best We still need a big decent fullback now. Oscar will NEVER be that player, though he and Frost might share a role in future...maybe.
  16. Another 20 games and preseason in Frost ought to see him really starting to solidify his game. I just haven't seen the same progressive curve in Oscar. Midfields help the pressure on backs but really doesn't alleviate the need for proper Full Back... nothing does.
  17. We brought our game to Adelaide for effectively 90 out of 120 mins. We did very very well as a result. Most games this year wed be lucky to put more than 70 mins of top effort. Its a big reason we give away starts..a reason we let teams back into games and cant finish off. We've lost many a game because our opponent when pushed found another gear , starved us of oxygen with their dust. I dont relish any of this.I doubt the team does. Only they can do anything about it. Finals bound teams will apply themselves longer than those they plat. Premiership teams...even longer.
  18. Well not really WB....most teams turn up before qtr time When we start matching teams mentally for 120 mins ...maybe. Hasn't happened once this year.
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