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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Weve been given a lesson in marking tonight
  2. They're just making it up surely
  3. Left all the tackles at Etihad
  4. Arguably nothing' different to Schofield's late 'high armwork" . No whistles then eh.
  5. Someone snot Richo ffs
  6. And they goaled.. maggots
  7. If anyone is looking Schofield's a sniper.. dog
  8. Quite amazing to see it go Eagles way....and yet
  9. Would that be to play vid games with Omeara ? Sarcy i admit. Not without some probability though.
  10. With all due respect...many other threads doing just that. This goes to list management and those chaps work ALL year. I see nothing wrong with a sidebar.
  11. Pates.. that could be exactly how other clubs view him. Hawks thought a lot of Jaeger !! Value in the eye of the beholder
  12. You'd think so.
  13. Never say never
  14. What was is Dickens once wrote ...
  15. Thanks D_J. (Shh i knew) Twas just a nudge to some to realise strange things happen. My view is more devils advocate Id like to see Gus realise his talent at Melbourne. Am also happy for the FD to do it's stuff.
  16. What was Richmond prepared to give for Trenners ?
  17. It's not polite parlour talk is it Lists do churn, It's a reality. Someone offering that would need a consideration. What's good for all involved ? I'll leave to the club. I do wonder if we'll ever see the best of Gus. I hope so. Footy's footy though !!
  18. Players leave clubs ... it happens.
  19. The Gatha Gallahs ??
  20. Not a fan of any team with wings
  21. I say....none of this usurping the little greens what, lets have a 25 a side game of touch Footy all played out on Polo Fields !! Chuckas away eh !!! That's the gig Gil
  22. The only issue ( looks at the big grey eared thing in corner of room ) is Vince can crash bang and come out other side ....
  23. Come Jake....come to the dark side !!
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