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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Pop the corks laddies ( and ladies ) The planets are aligning !!
  2. Yes... immediately noticed the all but 'subject to Calscums doctors' effect. Am learning a new level of despision for these cheats.
  3. As they say... don't hold breath my friend.
  4. Can the AFL make itself look any more foolish ?? (Well there is always next week I suppose, but for now they've reached the current zenith )
  5. Ya know... there's a reason a boxer might like to whack you on the chin
  6. Garry ...whatever backwoods lair you sought solace in needs revisiting. Just stay there. You've turned into a blubbering fool, a caricature, indeed a parody of your former good ( footy astute ) self. Mr Lyon. Here's how you save face in future. Keep lips closed How the mighty have fallen To think that a powerhouse of intellect in Watson has bested you in terms of basic comprehension !! Oi vey Mr Lyon
  7. None too hard Gc to Melb is NOT Darwin to Melb Not that hard Darwin is TWICE the trip . To say it's no different is not factual. Ie bullshlt.
  8. Actually, it IS a coincidence. Many don't truly understand the meaning of ... coincidence. I.e. The occurrence of two things simultaneously. What many MEAN to say..is it's no accidental coincidence !
  9. We're now coming from a good place. It seems the lads want to make it a better place. Thankyou to the foundation makers
  10. Darwin to Melb V Gc to Melb PJ...learn some basic numbers I know you know...but thats shlt mate.
  11. It's not about excuses. Its about WHY ? We KNOW why Let'sk kick that to the kerb!!
  12. There's a difference between some away games.... and that which we've sold out to pamper afl house with by touting in Darwin. Today .. I'm Melbourne.... let's concentrate on.,.. MELBOURNE Its 2017...its always NOW.
  13. Geelong will be Dim Sims the next time we get hold of them !!!
  14. They're Geelong ( f them ) 5 mins in naughty corner for you
  15. Arrrhhh me hearties...they be but [censored] cats !!!
  16. Ol Milkshake's making a bit of a name for himself ...the ' Neutralizer'
  17. Give the Cats a right heave ho !!
  18. Btw... how's that 'successful' mob Collingwood traveling ?
  19. Youd grow the brand more with 4 billboards and a couple of laneway murals !! Just saying. NT is about the shekels. Nothing more nothing less.
  20. Cornes pffffffft....too much WestvEnd Most biased contender ever
  21. All due respect. Drop in ocean stuff. Good on 'em for following Dees though.
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