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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. Some might want/ need to. Goodwin HAS to. It's rabbit out of the hat time now. Goody has done very well on debut ,as it were, but only GOODY can pull all the strings. He ( and his delegates ) need to somehow wring even more from a war weary and depleted side. I sense the question sought a player, but no one player is going to make that difference ( imho ) . The synergy of a group is needed . That needs to lift..... cue..... Simon
  2. Lol . I think you need to come down off that high horse before you di yourself a mischief. Its argy bargy. Players instigate the niggle and sometimes they come unstuck. Here, both did. Thats all. Its a highly spirited combative sport. Its physical. Mills did deserve a retort. A smack in the head was obviously too much. Buts that's it....too much. You cross that line ( white one) no backward steps accepted. Im not blaming Mills per se. Obviously Bugg is to blame for his action. Mills can wear his too.
  3. Damn shame for those Sheedheads!! Damn shame
  4. Probably not but it makes sense the club would be proactive with updates.
  5. Stupid is ...as stupid does !!
  6. Which winery...and what's the occasion ?
  7. Last time there i was curious to try the 'fish fetish' but thought to self , so little is as described in good ol' BKK that I decided to leave all well alone.
  8. I also fully expect it to be 'overs'
  9. Reality: when do we appeal ? I honestly can't remember
  10. It's actually quite palpable among some in the cirque du media. They'd probably wish we were all just skiing !!
  11. dunno...have to listen to it now...lol No Wongs..... has Red recovered ?
  12. 1/2 way through 2nd qtr...could just see the dam gates breaking to the strain.
  13. Is amazing how many of these idiot commentator types suddenly become reborn pacifists !! Lloyd...handy with feet...can use one to kick a goal or put both in mouth simultaneously !!
  14. At the start of the game Mills ( dlckhead that he is ) runs to Bugg and lays an elbow style whack into Bugg. Bugg retaliates. It's often just called argy bargy but in this instance Bugg unluckily lands a pearler on Mills..More fool Mills. Again for mine..got exactly what he deserved. So probably will Bugg...actually he won;t, he'll get scapegoated and handed something ridiculous
  15. Is oft suggested much of footy is between the ears. This awesome foursome just clarified how much goes on between theirs !! So ah...yeah...list management gets easier some days .
  16. in the instance of Harris ..Id be bringing him in for a chat.. tear up the contract in front if him..with a "let's revisit this is a month....maybe " then Id let the other three know
  17. I wonder if Goodwin is familiar with Alchemy ? and not just because we're in Dire Straits !!
  18. Thats ugly. Does not bode well at all
  19. Again, you show an incompetency to understand. Ive not said Bugg is blameless. He isn't. I have actually stated what happened. That doesn't sit well with your hysteria, does it. Yes one started, the other finished. Thats called, observation of events. Well done to bring in all the other irrelevances btw. You have no idea to context or desire to understand it obviously. Do you actually understand football ? Gold medal strawman's effort by you.
  20. Unlike Schofield ...who lined up an unsuspecting player when there was no play actually happening with and elbow to deliberately hit the victim in the face; Bugg reacted ( albeitly careless and recklessly )to another's action. Mills started it.. Bugg finished it. He would not have thought he'd likely hit Mills anywhere in particular...i.e a wild swing. These often miss entirely. This one, was right on the button. This neither excuses the action or mitigates the penalty but it does give a context. Your's and many other's reaction is quite frankly ridiculously over heated.
  21. Im inclined under the circumstances to annoint the pied piper himself..Mr Gawn.
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