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Everything posted by beelzebub

  1. I like you despise the ".…..." He's gotten away with a lot...and now still handsomely paid. A pox on him.
  2. Who cares A lot of those nuff nuffs who vote various idiots into all sorts of offices. Same offices that produce lackeys to do the big people's pleasure. Its about controlling the populace. Media is powerful.
  3. Makes others more attractive...i see the logic....
  4. Oh .. eventually. More directing a thought(s) to how media work. They care not an iota about morals nor ethics only about ratings and attention. Media... classic....look at me.. look at me
  5. Not mutually independent...run with both !!
  6. Lets see Building on fire..... Film at 11 See if you get where I'm going here ...
  7. I don't even understand that....but think you're probably right
  8. Buildem up...to smackem down !!
  9. Funny in a fashion. We say media. It's really just certain vocal camps. Why are they so virulent ? Who stands to lose what ? I'm intrigued. A bit more to this than meets the eye me thinks. Most media discourse is systematic, so i immediately start thinking ...motives ! More than selling papers... always is. Folk dont own media to sell things... it's about controlling directions. Curious ?
  10. This ^^^^^^ Dig deep Dees ...all...players , fd....us !!
  11. Bugger Bugger Bugger bugger [censored] [censored] Jeebus Dees can't take a trick Speedy recovery Demon warrior ( Like really speedy...pwwwwweeeeease !! ) Bugger
  12. good ...it's you....thought it was me (started barracking for the Dees on the schoolyard Feb 1965 ) you.......bugger P Dee !! lol
  13. Not just nice....needed !!
  14. Plays for red and white....not red and blue
  15. LDVC. I can relate to what you infer however LM has always been a narky niggly shlt. I was there the day he and dumbo dlpshlt dementedco cleaned up Tulip. I literally saw the menace in his eyes. These sorts of players premeditate actions...bit like that West Coast player Id be looking elsewhere for advocates..just saying Cheers
  16. Welcome to bottom of the barrel ???footy !!
  17. now...arguably to be taken with a grain ( or truck ) of salt but if the scenario ( as described by Ralph the mouth ) was even remotely close to the truth then for anyone to'continue regardless means , most likely, as Moonie hints, ONE beer was not the case, more likely One case of beer for all as it were... known colloquially as a 'slab'...was In for a tinnie in for a ....and so forth. Yes...arguably conjecture. 4 blokes having a beer........ a beer ???? hmmm You could see it getting to a point where it's ...oh wtf ..too late for us anyways !!
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