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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. yeah id love for the site to generate a few hundred if juice gets a game! this is cool! im starting to get interested in this weeks game!
  2. Bruce usually goes to Hird. Actually i think this might be the best thing for Bruce as it will give him a actual job and ND wont float him between FP and BP.
  3. the kid was the priority, brock was taken at 5
  4. the new system is a much more fair system to the last, just glad we got the kid and brock in the year we had our priority.
  5. hahahaha bribe the club so we can get the selections we want ill throw in a $20 ha ha thats gold! herald sun front page DEMONLAND POSTERS PAY CLUB TO PLAY NEWTON!
  6. we can't get extra pick can we? i thought they changed the rules to no more than 5 games in 2 consecutive seasons. might be wrong though.
  7. Why? Ward's desicion making and disposall in awful and he doesn't man up at the best of times. Brown: see Ward. Godfrey: cant kick, simply he either makes the man stop and prop or turns it over, on the rare occasion he has a day out like v the pies. when Bartram is fit next year we will not need him. Holland: A week to week proposition, should not play v dons Yze: really needs to regain form and touch, needs to bend over and pick up the ball, his first 5 mins v tigers was good, did 2 chases and tried to tackle. Pickett: well his form has been terrible, really seems to have either lost interest or just cant physically will himself to the contest. these players are not really going to form the foundation of a succesful side, pickett and yze if fit and in form defiantly offer something to the club, but sadly neither have the form at the moment.
  8. round 1 we had a very good side in- got flogged round 2- good side in, neitz went down early, robbo late got beaten both are games we should have won
  9. either that or she doesnt know the scores from friday night
  10. I too like Bate at CHF. He leads well, has decent dukes overhead (most of the time), a massive kick and doesn't mind having a ping from 50, which a CHF needs to be able to do.
  11. If that is what is what he said, then that is a freakin disgrace! F$%k him! does that [censored] pay for a membership? Saying crap like that is really going to help our cause, [censored] off paul and take daniher with you! Thats really [censored] me off! won't get supporters to show up, won't get people to buy a membership next year. Pathetic!
  12. Wow, once again you turn a comment on Bruce into a post where you bag Mclean with no reason at all, You must be the pettiest person i have had the pleasure of never meeting.
  13. If daniher gets a new contract we will have 319 members next year. 10 years has been 3 years too long! I want a coach who will come in a make this group into a hard outfit, menatlly and pyshically. ND has not been able to achieve that in 10 years. Lets face it who ever wins the GF ND will try and make us play that style for next year and we will fail at that too. I'm so sick of watching us play football that does not suit our players just because Sydney/WCE won a flag with that style.
  14. knowing his luck the kid wont get up for fridays game.
  15. agree i want to know what his work off the ball was like and what his second efforts and second leads were like if any.
  16. bar his kicking Bruce has not deserved to be dropped. id love to see newton just get a game, i wouldn't expect much but i think a taste of the big time on the likes of Michael or Fletcher would make him at least realize what is required to make it at AFL level.
  17. nah they will bring in brown to play FF hang on...... they probably will
  18. 9 shots in a half, he has to get a game SURELY!
  19. would have been funny if at quarter time when neale gave them a blast if petterd had of put his hand up and said "dont blame me, i kept my seat warm"
  20. Well said Jaded, especially the last bit. The club need to be seen being massively pro active so that we don't lose 8,000 members from this year, we will defiantly lose some. By playing some of the kids it might entice people to come to the game to check out the kids (Buckley, Newton etc) and in turn if we can put on some good displays get them to re sign for 08.
  21. ratten is an assistent at carlton, would like him but doubtful he would come. voss would be good if he could bring a few assistants with experience. viney seems to be doing a great job with the hawks midfield, might be still too friendly with the likes of yze and such. buckley wants to play next year so you can pretty much forget him.
  22. its not his fault jaded footy just sucks every week except for the odd win or 2
  23. depends on the list and the coach, most coaches get a list that needs work, ours is a decent list and with the right game plans and a mentally tough coach who makes the players play the ball and relish the hard stuff we could be a decent top 4 side
  24. You watch open play and our players run 3 4 meters away for the cheap handball, when a bit shepard on the opponent so the player with the pill can have a easy path is the best option and its one we never take.
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