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Everything posted by Gorgoroth

  1. Not only that deesrock, but i can afford a redlegs but my dad and I both don't like sitting up there and would prefer to be in the members area in the southern stand, so i always make sure that i buy the cheer squads raffles and such so i can still help out a bit more.
  2. I though I'd jump on here just so i can get some aggro thrown at me, i was feeling a little left out.
  3. I was positive he said the end of next month, meaning the end of September.
  4. Would a club have had more 200, 250, 300 games in the 1 year where they lose them all? I believe that is what will happen to us this year.
  5. Exactly and in those few games they might learn what they need to do over the summer to get up to that fitness, learn how fats the game is, learn where to run to during a afl game, learn that if they don't chase they will get beaten badly etc etc
  6. f the new coach plays Davey as he has been played before, as a permanent FP, he will then have the energy to chase hard in the F50 and then his tackling will once again cause turnovers and scoring chances, which inturn lifts all the players around him and his own confidence.
  7. Maybe a coach who will put the fear of god into these players might get a better result than ND got, who knows next year trapper could be back to his absolute best and people who were calling for him, bruce etc to be traded will be loving him all over again.
  8. God, will we have a team left next year? Getting over hearing we should trade etc etc etc
  9. CJ should replace ward, who had 13 possession at a whopping 69% eff Bode should come in, Garland should play and replace fergs, hell i'd play warnock too I am sick of watching ward, brown, ferg, jamar who are not going to help us move in the right direction, why keep playing them when the others like garland will benfit from 4 more games even if he only gets 6, 8 possessions, the benefits for the MFC next year out weights what those players are offering us now. if we lost by 70pts instead of 48 with bode, garland, cj etc in i would be happier as we will benefit next year.
  10. We are not really playing the kids, where is Dunn? Bode? Garland etc etc Out of the players not in our best 22 that were played were buckley and possibly newton but he is fast become best 22, frawley was injured.
  11. Neither can Jamar but at least Blake can get the ball to the on ballers, from what i have seen (not a massive amount i must say) i have thought he was decent.
  12. Not replying tot he actual trades put up, but murphy from freo and blake from geelong might be worth chasing, blake i think will fall out of the side come finals time if ottens and king stay fit and murphy has been give the arse since taz went to freo. Don't know what you would offer for them though, I'd like to keep Green , TJ and bruce and i dare say white would not get us much.
  13. No to white, and as for a best player, 7% of his hit outs went to advantage on the weekend, jamar had 0% A good player, not our best. Bruce is a great player but i have never thought him captain material, Green is similar but the times he has stood in he has done a good job Trapper has no chance, nor pretty much any other older player with the exception of junior. Out of the young guys McLean and Jones are the stand outs, one is 21 the other 19 I think McLean is the better option and I'd rather see him now than give it to some one for 2 years and say,"hey you can be captain until Brock gets to 23" Voss, Carey, chris johnson got it young and it did not hurt their futures.
  14. Trade bell! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha thanks for the good laugh before work
  15. I'd be more pleased to see the man play a game or 2 next year.
  16. I wanted holland to miss the lot, as the siren went it was 53!
  17. He will play next year and if we get back to running through the middle and remember how to hit a target in the F50 he should kick 40+ next year.
  18. Good last quarter by juice, good second half from chook on kirk i think it was about 12- 4 chooks way after kirk killed us early, miller was not bad in the last playing forward, holland got his 3rd and deserved it too, nietz was out of sorts, he could not hold a mark today and why he passed from 50 min the third has me stuffed. Jamar your career with melbourne is done.
  19. Brown was just on him then, not sure if thats the match up or how long that has been.
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