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Everything posted by layzie

  1. I like the example. Especially when Junior would get those 30+ and do a good tagging job in the meantime
  2. Well they're there now. Let's just do our job
  3. I honestly can't fault Goodwin for the way he's handled the Watts situation.
  4. Wow, sensational achievement! People can say all they want about stats being inflated but that's still a great effort.
  5. Apples and oranges. Hardwick to a blatant whack which was a pretty idiotic thing to say. Max simply wanted clarification on what he was doing wrong, after all he's the one who has to play with the rules in place. Ridiculous
  6. At this stage I'd say he's out for Collingwood. Fair enough.
  7. I can see Viney being rested for Collingwood as well. Huge out but hopefully worth it.
  8. I would love that scenario too but I'd rather them stay out of the top 4. Can't chance them getting through to a prelim
  9. A tallish midfielder who is versatile and can roost a footy when need be. Would hope we can have him on our list next year
  10. I'm agreeing that Keilty is likely earmarked as the versatile defender to fill Garland's shoes.
  11. You'd certainly hope it's alright. Still feel that Viney came back too quickly
  12. All good points. Only time will tell
  13. layzie


    Great DE. Work ethic to burn
  14. Oscar may not be an elite kick but sure is better than Zac!
  15. For monetary reasons no but for selfish perfect world reasons I say boot it!
  16. layzie


    Not a lot wrong with those predictions. I do feel the Giants will push the Cowboys and I actually wouldn't be surprised if the Panthers bottomed the NFC South. Mack will take out the sacks steaks. That's an absolute lock
  17. layzie


    Haha see you in Week 3!
  18. With you there, ready to back their selection judgement 100% on this one. Would hate to be in the hot seat.
  19. Fair enough, I'm expecting a few different viewpoints on this.
  20. Total apples and oranges question, but taking all backstories into account who deserves to be in the side more right now Bugg or Watts?
  21. This weeks selection is getting more nerve wracking by the day and could have plenty of implications. I'm leaning to the idea of Frost back in T-Mac up forward but not by a lot. If they decide to rest Viney I can deal with that. The guy has just got too much guts and teeth gritting ability, I would hate to think playing through it is causing potential future issues. I don't blame anyone for floating the idea of Watts straight back in. Even at 70% of what he's capable of he can make a difference but honestly it doesn't feel quite right. Short term sacrifice, long term result (hopefully), the time has come to know where we stand with Jack.
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