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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. this wasn't just a case of disclosing a clients problem(s) this was a situation where the manager knew this "problem" was going to go public in the short term and would have to be addressed shortly after the trade signed this was clearly playing for time and deceptive. it was made worse by the aflpa condoning the silence before the trade aints have said that if they knew the trade would have been off. a lot of people and good will has been burnt by this poor behaviour
  2. get our resident countdown master to add it to his countdown list
  3. points dc 1 rtg 1 bb 1 stu 0 mm 0
  4. there's been some pretty shytey and self serving stuff come out of harvard too just saying.......no need to swoon just because the "h" word is used
  5. finally....someone has pointed out the bleeding obvious
  6. so getting back to kingdingaling's suggestion of a breakaway comp, i think as far as colours/guersey pattern and nick-names (at the simplest level) the afl would be hard pressed to stop it. no doubt they would try and make it costly by the usual heavy legal tactics
  7. i don't think they allow him out very often without supervision faulty, so you're probably pretty safe
  8. you didn't mention jumper colour/layout (minus any logos) i've seen these sold as non afl approved in department stores (at vastly cheaper prices). i think target had them
  9. are you sure you weren't tripping that day?
  10. how do you explain hundreds if not thousands of teams around australia wearing black and white striped guernseys etc and team nicknames called lions, tigers, demons etc i can't believe the vfl clubs ever had the rights in the first case to assign them to the afl additionally there are clubs here and overseas in other sports that have the same nicknames p.s. i'm not talking about logos and registered club names, that's different
  11. fence, dazzle and now faulty getting maudlin this is too much for me, i'm off to bed when i wake up tomorrow i fully expect everyone to back tearing at each other's throats.....as it should be amen
  12. 3 - 1 = 26? no wonder i could never be a lawyer
  13. are you sure the afl hold the rights to team colours/arrangement and nicknames. i'd be very surprised
  14. fmd - a demonland love-in
  15. agree. think he's a figure head the board can easily control. not a head kickers @rseole
  16. ad was the jeff kennet, gm is the joan kirner
  17. we all set our own levels of probity ldvc. we obviously differ. that's life here is the age first-lady's latest take on the aints/carlisle fuggup
  18. or your money in the bahamas (wonder if they grow bananas in bahamas)
  19. you do realise matt jones is 28?
  20. yeah......nah, hasn't got a grapey name
  21. now that would take far too long to explain maybe need a new sub board of its own
  22. find the gif (or image eg jpg) copy the address in post click on "image" icon (the square one half way across with greenish blue square interior) enter the copied address, press enter voila
  23. i scanned the horizon to the north west this morning and i'll swear i saw a light shining brightly it had to be od's new pearly white chompers
  24. as long as he passes the choral test i'll be happy to take him
  25. a bit like the uncle in the family earl, no one wants to talk about just ignore it and it will go away or priests fiddling with little kids too hard a problem and there are more important things. things to make a quid off
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