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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. you'd have to do it all in 30 secs but, biffo. nrl troglodytes take longer, and that's with the assistance of the bucket (now plastic gizmo) boys.
  2. left out two brownlow medallists..............but that's ok, i agree......lol let's hope that in 3-5 years we can replace half that team
  3. right on bimgers. i love to hate them. gives more colour and meaning to my life.
  4. "serviceable at best" was a reference to what redleg said who first brought this description up. i thought it unnecessarily harsh (specially the "at best") i don't claim he had 5 (if you count his last short year) great years. His first 4 years were not all up to his 1984 year but overall i'd rate him better than just serviceable. He certainly wasn't a saviour, on that i agree. The expectations on him were certainly high despite his drop off of form at collingwood but that was a problem of those who thought they could just buy a saviour. getting a brownlow in '84 certainly gave us something to cheer about in a pretty miserable period.
  5. whether he or woewy were a bit lucky to win a brownlow is quite irrelevant, the fact that they were in contention to win a brownlow is in itself a great effort and to just call it "serviceable at best" is demeaning and petty minded .......imo
  6. i know what you are trying to say overall, but describing his tenure as serviceable is a bit hyperbolic. Agree he was no saviour
  7. winning a brownlow is "serviceable"? priceless
  8. uncle, just remember what faulty said "don't mention pol pot"
  9. i don't think most people care, jnr. they just enjoy the shock and outrage. by the time the truth is discovered it will be yesterday's news and no-one will care
  10. and a happy 25th of december to all demonlanders the 2017 season can't come quick enough
  11. and if not someone else, then it is society's fault, so we are all to blame
  12. i got 20 in #1.................(with just a little help from mr google)
  13. yes.........but see previous comments about their $1 membership
  14. the afl has never had a problem "handling" the truth, jack they have many ingenious methods for "handling" it including their favourites "ignore it", "redefine it" and "twist it"
  15. earl, i'd imagine doing very nicely in one of many tax havens
  16. ok nut, you are a white, racist, capitalist colonial. feel any better?
  17. how do you take points off a team without effectively taking away pick(s)? does that mean it only comes into play if they take an academy player?
  18. and now for something completely different......................(spoken with an american accent (lol)..... An engineer dies and goes to hell. After a while, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort there and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, hell has air conditioning, flushing toilets, water fountains and escalators - making the engineer a pretty popular guy. One day God phones Satan up and asks with a sneer: “Hey buddy, how’s it goin down there?” Satan snickered back, “Things are going great actually. We’ve got air conditioning, flush toilets, escalators and the works. Hell, there’s no telling what this engineer guy is gonna come up with next.” God replies, “What? You’ve got an engineer? That’s a mistake - he should never have been sent there; send him back up.” To which Satan replied, “No way dude. I like having an engineer on staff, I’m keepin him.” God retorted, “Send him up here or I’ll sue.” Satan laughs loudly and answers, “Yeah, right. And just where are you gonna find a lawyer?”
  19. my thoughts too, mr leg. i sense the afl don't approve of our "solution"
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