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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and on top of that chris there was the switkowski report and the guilty finding of worksafe victoria
  2. football ability wise pretty much on par overall, even if a little different in some aspects
  3. must have been freudian, jack. don't know a good shrink do you?
  4. it will also be particularly handy next time they are attacked by terrorists (or ajax) in the middle of the night, or just woken by a crying baby in the middle or rem sleep
  5. of all the players at the club chunk really needed to work on his mental hardness and application - lol
  6. in fairness, while the comments are all good analysis, we shouldn't judge too much just from one photo each
  7. a good opportunity for him to swot up on his van demon accent and colloquialisms before he invades the apple isle with his appalling solecism
  8. nor has he spoken to him he said on 3aw. he claims to be getting progress reports via his daughter in melbourne. not his son or daughter-in-law. make of that what you will.
  9. why do you have to shift the goal posts like that with trite poorly based equivalence arguments. are you in all seriousness drawing a parallel between radical extemist terrorism and the gop or are you just trolling me?
  10. iva, it's not just the good guys and a minority group of radicals. more concerning is a bigger group in between who provide succour, tacit acceptance, finance, apologia and shelter to the radicals whether out of ignorance, frustration, racism, a sense of religious duty or admiration. without them the radicals would wither or be more ineffective
  11. well he is entitled to discuss muslim barbarity and its roots. islam is a religion where much (not all) of it today is clearly rooted in the past and not progressive with a certain racist intolerance (infidel and schismatic) element. additionally and more worrying is its often desire to either dominate or supplant the secular in a more fundamentalist and regressive fashion (some might say even barbaric). biffo is not alone even among academics in believing islam (or more particularly powerful elements it harbours) is a threat to the world order (particularly the western world). i'm not saying he has expressed his pov very eloquently but i'm just defending his right to legitimately argue it without pc interference i just think it doesn't serve much point in this discussion getting into tu quoque arguments of historical equivalence. it just becomes a pizzing competition. For example christianity today is unrecognisable from the christianity of yore, whereas islam as practised in many parts of the world today could be taken directly out of any medieval history book.
  12. what is your point re barbarism, doc? History is studded continuously with various forms and degrees of barbarity. No nation, race, tribe, country or era has been immune to it. war is barbarity and recorded history is one great monologue of war and barbarity. the 20th century was as barbaric a century as any other. i'm a bit lost where this discussion is headed
  13. you needn't worry to much about the christians these days, dieter, they're fast dying out and are effectively a spent force. the atheists however may become the new barbarians, lol
  14. ?? I was only trying to qualify the death toll of the si. I'd also point out that I don't consider the spanish colonial death toll death in the new world as being an intrinsic part of the si lay off the booze, dieter, it's not a competition with the english
  15. no doubt the barbarities of the si were considerable, doc but it was always my understanding that the actual deaths were quite low. anyway i just re-checked and this is from wiki......" García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, it is likely that the toll was higher, keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.[110] "
  16. don't think you'll find any comfortable chairs at the gat, dieter. at least not my idea of comfortable
  17. yeah, i saw that report. very impressed with his resourcefulness. must be a bushy thing. but seriously, have they talked to you about moving you to the new satellite? it did sound like a big improvement for satellite nbn, but maybe it is reserved for other areas or some such other bureaucracy?
  18. i thought vickkick was a south australian colloquialism
  19. how's your nbn thingy with that new satellite, doc? SkyMuster II or something see fttn is changing to fttc (c=curb i.e. the existing concrete thingy in your nature strip) for us city slickers (some time this century)
  20. kent definitely had a more consistent season than previously. no reason at this point to suspect his consistency won't increase in 2017
  21. not surprised the cranks came out today after jh's father's tirade on 3aw and claims of conspiracy against everyone except the cia and isis
  22. jayden and big maxy got me seriously excited in 2016. they are reasons in themselves to go to the game.
  23. it's a 5 minute job to update the web site count
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