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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. Is that why we called them "cancer sticks" in the 50/60's .......... i think we did know then In those days primary schools and secondary schools all had school teams and competed with other schools.....now only private schools
  2. wouldn't be surprised where his hands were when he scribbled this
  3. Uh Oh. we all know what this is code for " “He still remains a key player for us this season. " Yes, minister
  4. does sound a bit rich, wonna. that sort of increase is definitely a rort. take it up directly with club
  5. well that statement isn't going to quell any media speculation
  6. at least another 20 pages now
  7. lucky. he should have handed it off to tyson when he first got it instead of running into trouble. tyson was clear. still nice to see hodge outsmarted
  8. Some trivia to ponder. while waiting for the next jack watts post.....I never knew this and it gave me a little chuckle Hipsters should take note ! GUESS WHO DRESSED THE SS
  9. surely you've noticed him tipping s@#$ on people? remember jb?
  10. maybe the interviews were booked before the practice match. i'd imagine the players are highly scheduled for extra curricula duties and yes, a bit of dead-bat coaching wouldn't go astray
  11. actually old boy i think it is even worse than that. It's my understanding the chinese and japanese get a very big chunk of our gas at a piddling price way below world parity due to some smart contracts they stitched us up on years ago. To make matters worse we pay domestically quite often (not always) at the world spot price for gas which is much higher than world parity price because we (domestically) are at the bottom of the ladder when it comes to selling our gas. The reasons for these facts are the fault of both labor and liberal. Unfortunately i can't, try as i might, blame jack watts. Globalisation at its finest
  12. if there is any truth in this does that mean the clubs recent good record on not leaking has come to end? that would be something to worry about
  13. but if it doesn't clash (where appropriate) then it is a genuine "clash jumper" the club has said they are using it for round 1 and "some other clash rounds". i suspect that at least this year it won't be the only clash jumper the club has to use.......but it's progress
  14. i've read it too and it didn't "make it clear" to me. one must remember journos selectively pick their quotes and can present them to mean other than intended. they revel in just wording it in a way that leaves room for conjecture as that is what sells. either way i agree it's more of a storm in a teacup
  15. or at least a sacred site, chook
  16. why all this faux squeamishness, earl. i thought you might be a 21st century realpolitik man but you prefer to wallow in the perpetually aggrieved hipster subculture.....lol
  17. this will be bigger than essengate. mark my words.
  18. good catch, bub. your memory cells work much better than mine chalk up another first for demonland
  19. jeez, i hope no senior player gets "rested" for any of the next 2 jlt games. the rumours will really fly
  20. sounds pretty logical to me, earl. specially as the anti-smoking lobby have always claimed what a big economic burden smokers are to the economy. there again non-smokers never die of "cancer or respiritory failure or organ failure or lung disease and horrendous pain before death" do they? surely you must have better things to do than watch karl stephanovic's today program. very odd past-time
  21. but prodee believes it. he feels it in his waters. that should be good enough for everyone
  22. the way the afl rules are set and administered they probably did break the rules, but the afl were either too dumb and ignorant or plain gutless (or both)
  23. you were expecting 64,560? wow that's optimism
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