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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. there's a reason why mafia bosses call themselves 'dons'
  2. there is a novel there ernest. are you up to it, or too pickled?
  3. don't forget the other "adult", earl, kim jong-un. maybe they are equally matched. dumb and dumber. might be a master stroke.
  4. brilliant, special. now back on the medication before it's too late.......
  5. no special, add comprehension to the spelling lessons. don't the salvos teach you anything under that bridge?
  6. well, special, you got the 'bo...' part right at least. you need remedial spelling lessons. hint: rhymes with hogan
  7. was it a sexual experience for you, special? did you feel aroused or just amused?
  8. with all the injuries, they are probably begging jack to play now......haha
  9. patriarchy, another word that is sadly losing it's original meaning due to the incessant revisionism and obsessing of the pc crowd
  10. you'll have to trust in pj. yeah, i know, time is running out. suspect (actually hope) he has a few options and holding out for better price
  11. i'll take it as another minor sponsor + get a decent boj sponsor, ok od?
  12. i was going to comment but then i realised it was only col and billy
  13. big advantage on this pitch to not having to bat last. agree our bowling a bit loose in their 2nd innings gifting a few runs
  14. almost the cost of a seat on level 2 at jihad stadium
  15. i'm no expert, bub, but i found this on hipster girls and here is a lego view
  16. and i don't think $250k is upto being a boj sponsor
  17. any politician who opens his mouth is usually about to tell a fib
  18. I will start a "If we beat carlscum round 2" thread
  19. viney can kick. his basics are fine. he doesn't have the most penetrating kick but his distance is ok what he lacks is just consistency. he should have a kpi for kicking and the appropriate specialist coaching you know it makes sense
  20. maybe jack's monitors just need recalibrating - lol
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