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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. yes, he lives in north burwood, otherwise known as surrey hills
  2. no, not burwood, you are defining dry-wood. and yes if you go due north probably the doncaster as for west, the Riversdale might be closer than the Tower
  3. dear oh dear earl......matthew flinders to the west? more like due south, straight down warrigal road. nearest pub to the west would be in hawthorn
  4. bendigo to romsey in an hour, sounds about right to me next time get the lads to rustle up some burritos and corn cobs
  5. christ earl, the burvale is nowhere near burwood. you are obviously thinking of east burwood. chalk and cheese fyi burwood is proudly pub-dry. keeps out the riff raff nicely
  6. not surprised you were thrown out bbo. teachers were supposed to go to the notting hill pub
  7. huh? i thought moe was an eastern suburb, biffo
  8. now c'mon earl, it was always a meeting place for utes, tradies, pi$$heads, drug dealers and loose women and in your case wayward youth searching for the meaning of life
  9. good heavens, moonie. i'd need a visa and a good dressing down to get into the burvale and even then i'd only meet biffo's clients i stick to the tennis/bowls clubs with the occasional pensioners discount meal at the flinders even it means travelling beyond the safe confines of beautiful burwood
  10. there's no substitute for good manners, al take a leaf out of my book
  11. i just hope the hipsters don't read that article and migrate on their $5,000 push bikes i need to talk to border protection
  12. "Burwood and its surrounds in Melbourne’s east bursts with the largest oversupply of women, analysis based on the latest Census data shows." A veritable female smorgasbord
  13. go head jazza, take a holiday anywhere you like ........as long as you get back in time for milking
  14. yeah. don't know why bbo was so perplexed over the ..um.. methodology. after all he is a country boy and a "gentleman" farmer himself i assumed it was just farming 101
  15. i just assumed he was very tall......or he had built up gum boots
  16. never mind bbo,you probably are not aware of it at the moment, but your involuntary celibacy is actually quite character building in time you'll learn to be social again just don't be tempted with the lads like that ballarat farmer
  17. would that be the paleo diet, red?
  18. you're in fine form tonight, moonie. the pathetic to$$er with his fancy airs and graces deserves all he gets
  19. nah, it's being full of s*it and dyslexic, or maybe being full of grappa and dyslexic....take your pick
  20. moonie, think he gets one of his alpaca pa's to type his posts, him being an inbred upperclass and fully dyslexic
  21. hint: check all limbs and report back
  22. one could argue r&b, what indeed is the point of life itself.......or even indeed more pertinent, what is the point of posting as to the question of what you are missing i'll leave you to ponder that as surely you are in a better position than me to know
  23. you forgot to give your post a like - lol
  24. back in the mist of time i went to waverley park for a rod stewart performance the warmup group all came out in orange boiler suits and made a loud but unitelligible noise i remarked to the missus how bad they were and what a lack of future they had they were cold chisel
  25. cadet camp was free, jazza......courtesy of the tax payer.....and we got live ammunition
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