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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. don't worry. due to the bubonic plague melbourne did not play, od
  2. good. now you've stated your opinion (and i have noted it), can you avoid repeating it at every opportunity?
  3. i had two bananas yesterday already up to one by 8am today.......might have a big day
  4. hmmmm, didn't realise timmy had such powers of deduction....obviously a genius pity jab didn't inherit his deduction gene
  5. yep, it's obvious that the human genome must contain a "run through a brick wall" gene. once those pesky geneticists find it, watch out
  6. i'm pretty sure some time in the future the afl will ban certain types of tackle it will widely be known as the viney rule
  7. shouldn't that be the next 54 games?
  8. should be nuked along with biffo ellen
  9. any excuse for why we haven't won a premiership is good, od. the alternative would not be pretty
  10. i wonder why nothing has come out in the press clubs are generally good with the "excuses" i think (i true) then the supporters are owed the "truth"
  11. it's a tough gig in the medja game gotta come up with something sensational every week to stay relevant
  12. 194cm midfielder pick #13 that's 6'4 1/2" on the old scale and a [censored] midfielder!
  13. greeks join in on march (wth invincibles away strip)
  14. multicultural march to the "g" (note the reverse strip)
  15. this would be a good time for stuie to interject and give us all a good lecture on multiculturism
  16. i'd hate to think what's been around your parts, moonie
  17. i expect he will dress up multiculturally i.e. probably multicringely
  18. seems they are now mentally damaged goods
  19. respectable run rate clarke redeems himself with 2nd top score
  20. yes, a few have noted jazza's absence. hope he's ok and just having a holiday or something think photofrog goes bush now and again, maybe just gone walkabout like jako
  21. slow night...... must be what winning is like
  22. noice d'ya reckon biffo was that nice enforcer guy who got attacked by the scissors?
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