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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. missed the point mr fence.......straight thru to the keeper
  2. bruce will have to rely on viagra tonight when he catches up with mrs palmer
  3. actually jack i don't have a problem with power, but there is good power and bad power
  4. glad to see you are happy with the situation. and i'm pro cop, but the force is becoming increasingly ineffective due to lack of leadership, both command and political
  5. not for job satisfaction, unless you are a masochist or just like the uniform and the toys
  6. did i just hear the fat lady warming up?
  7. no no ethan, you can't justify 60 mins + 90 mins to take final action when they had very good intel btw i don't blame the individual coppers. they are operating with both hands tied behind their backs, it's the force management and the ideology weak politicians that appoint them and keep them on a tight leash that should take the blame. i wouldn't be a copper for all the tea in china with the lack of support they get. it's 186 every day.
  8. that may be true but that's not really what you said originally
  9. well at least we are not as slow starting as the sons of g*d, bub
  10. 90 minutes (after landing), ethan? full communications with plane (including 60 minutes of return journey). perp all trussed up. his "bomb" toy separated i think i know who the jokers were
  11. watched the state of origin last night thought i was watching a turf war between two motorcycle gangs or a new episode of horrible tats
  12. good stuff gv. i'll bet the wiz's stats were better for his mfc time
  13. guess the cops will need counselling now
  14. i've often thought afl players should be measured with one arm up. i.e. from the ground to the tip of the finger on the raised arm. the shoulder to top of head is irrelevant
  15. agreed, i also get the impression we don't handle the basics of windy football, not that we encounter it at many grounds these days
  16. now i know you are just taking the p155
  17. just make it happen, mfc
  18. the afp called out the sons of god
  19. so 60 min + 90 min since they were first informed.....outstanding effort.....and not one orange bellied parrot harmed
  20. 40,832 and another 21
  21. was always an explosive player, ron
  22. i also go to the afl match centre. If i'm not at the game (a'la Alice game) i watch it during game, otherwise consult it after game. It has team/player stats and advanced stats. as for the alice game, i can see why goody said what he said. We were doing well right across the stats board in the first half, leading on contested and total possessions and on inside 50's in particular. so we were getting the ball and getting it into the forward line. obviously we were were doing something wrong and i thought the major wrongs were too many basic skill errors, bad decision making and a disorganised forward line given our stats to half time i always thought we were in it. the first half was also skewed by the fairly strong wind. just my 2c worth
  23. there is a substantial number of the population who are predominantly mouth-breathers (for various reasons) so any extra obstruction of the mouth way can translate to increased breathing difficulties i'm not suggesting they shouldn't were mouthguards (and afl players would definitely have professionally fitted ones) just that you shouldn't dismiss the possibilities that some may incur a degree of breathing issues. it's also not practical that all kids (or adults) playing footy could afford a personally tailored and fitted professional mouthguard. that variety are quite expensive.
  24. my guess is between 41.5k and 42k any more would mean winning most games jun/jul with finals looking a certainty
  25. according to sticky thread, the end of july last year, from qb game to end july we added approx 550 members
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